FB3X Drabble Cascades Welcome to the FB3X Drabble Cascade, a weekly blog hop where we want you to share your drabbles, or flash fiction inspired by our word of the week. To join in, just post your piece to your blog/social media/website and add your link to the list with Title (Rating, Genre), e.g. A Little Bit of Fun (PG, Science Fiction) and then to perpetuate the cascade, add the list code to the bottom of your post :)
Title: I’m fine, I’m just fine. Part 3
Continues from
, Part 2- I’m Fine. I’m just Fine. prior Andy & Simon drabbleshttp://charisstoma.livejournal.com/1144665.html Part 2
Author: charisstoma
Word count: 100
Andy narrowed his eyes, “Hmmm, animal, vegetable, or mineral, which is an asshole? ”
“Animal,” Simon answered quickly, “and I sorry. Really sorry. And don’t swear in front of our child.”
“Newt is too young to pick up words yet.”
“Asssssssssho,” said a little mouth around Andy’s nipple.
“Told you,” Simon smirked and then straightened his face. “Really sorry. I missed our son’s birth and I failed to be there when you needed me, though you did it well all by yourself, but still I’m sorry.”
“You should be,” was directed at Simon, “and Newt don’t say that word.”
The After Birth