Drabble Cascade #161 - 'elan'

May 17, 2016 15:33

FB3X Drabble Cascades

Welcome to the FB3X Drabble Cascade, a weekly blog hop where we want you to share your drabbles, or flash fiction inspired by our word of the week. To join in, just post your piece to your blog/social media/website and add your link to the list with Title (Rating, Genre), e.g. A Little Bit of Fun (PG, Science Fiction) and then to perpetuate the cascade, add the list code to the bottom of your post :)

Title: Afternoon's Delight (PG, m/m, series)
Andy & Simon drabbles
Author: charisstoma
Word count: 100

Gathering his courage, Andy pushed open the door and walked, seemingly confidently he hoped, out the back door. ‘So it’s afternoon. The backyard is enclosed. No one can see in.’

‘Maybe I should have slathered on sunscreen,’ he thought adjusting the towel. ‘Maybe not, Simon dislikes slipperiness except in certain places.’ Andy’s face heated, reminded of his current state of dishabille.

The muffled rhythmic thumping of an approaching helicopter grew louder. Andy lost his composure sprinting into the gazebo, his towel clutched strategically.

His outraged, “Simon!” was smothered by laughing kisses, as Simon reached to switch off the CD player.

Part 2

andy & simon, 100 words, wizards' world, drabble cascade, familiar, snake

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