Feb 11, 2009 17:03
Even though I was still pretty damn sick, I went to work today. Luckily Steph dug my truck out of the snow last night but even still I was late to work because I had to heat it up, stop by Walgreens for kleenex and hand sanitizer, get breakfast at Jack in the Box, then get stuck in traffic. Seriously, everyone was late so it wasn't too big of a deal.
I went because I really wanted to spend more time with the kids to build relationships. Also, on Friday my boss made kind of a big deal about taking days off. He asked me to give him as much warning as possible since he didn't usually get subs and instead had to lessen the work load for kids who need all the work they can get. This makes sense, and he asked in a really nice way. I love my boss. So, since I couldn't give him any warning I decided to go, figuring I would be sent home if it was a big deal. No one even asked, so I spent the whole day coughing into my sleeve and wiping down with hand sanitizer every time I blew my nose. I normally think hand sanitizer is the devil but REALLY did not want to get anyone sick. I'm coughing up gross stuff, so this sickness is a doozy. I was seriously surprised I wasn't asked to leave lol.
I love my job. I'm still trying to find my way around the school. And everyone thinks I'm a student. I was told my options were to dress nicely or grow a beard. Since I can't do the latter, I could do the former. I dressed casually today because I felt icky. However, some kids dress really nicely so that might not work either. Yet I'm also supposed to normalize myself so that when I walk one of my students to class they are less stigmatized. I'm thinking that looking like one of the kids might help? What a conundrum!
I've never done anything like this before. I have to talk to teachers constantly, making this the most people-intensive job I've ever had. I mean, when you do fast food or retail you constantly talk to people but they aren't the same people day after day. You can't blow someone off just because you don't like them, since you are going to see them the next day. It's been really challenging for me, in a good way.
So, despite drinking two cups of tea my throat still hurts. I'm beginning to lose my voice and do not plan on going to juggling club tonight. I will just have to push it to the limit next week and perhaps this weekend. I hate being sick when I need to practice for an upcoming show, but doing circus stuff all weekend is probably what pushed me over the edge into sick-land. Oh well.
If you haven't made it this far I don't blame you. I'm going to go be delirious in front of the tv for awhile.
bluh <3