Title: Meet The Kim
Pairing: KyuSung, YeWon, YeTeuk, YeMin
Rating: G
Notes: Here comes the next update. I just divide it into 2 parts because..well, I'm too sleepy to continue writing hehehe..Hope it's still up to par. Still, if you find any mistakes, I'm terribly sorry, for English isn't my first language. Enjoy, I guess :D
19th Ch: Plan of Monkey-Fishy Couple (Part 1) )
Comments 2
i'm late......sorry~~~ >_<
oooh... so it was teukie not kyupil... haha..
and it was part of eunhae's plan? hmmm...
let see ice cream date from cupid eunhae next part... :DD
(smoga mereka sukses tanpa gangguan the kims) hihihi
everyone thought it was kyupil hehehe..just a little twist hihihi....
yup, cupid eunhae are in action hehehe...
ice cream date will be up somewhere in this week i think :D
wah, klo urusan the kim gak ngeganggu sih gak janji ya hihhi...nmpknya mereka punya radar klo ada yg lg dkt2an ama baby woonie :D
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