Aus's interview is postponed until Tuesday, so more time to be anxious about it and/or prepare, depending on how you look at it.
This coming week is going to be a busy one -
Tuesday - Aus's interview
Wednesday - Terami show in Mt. Airy/philly (if I can manage to steady my nerves enough to drive in the city and/or find someone to drive us)
Thursday - lunch with mom/Uncle Leon/Aunt Marie/Uncle Joe
Friday - hosting live chat with Roxane Orgill (author of Dream Lucky) for Gather
June 5th is the Rilo Kiley show in Philly at the Electric Factory. I have to get in touch if I want them to guest list me a couple of days before the show, but I haven't decided yet whether I want to go or not in light of recent circumstances. Our driver, Brian, can likely make it on that day so at least I won't have to drive in the city. But obviously, I'm still a bit displeased about things so I'm not sure whether or not I want to go. And it's the same material as last time, really. But this could be their last show at least for a while, so I might want to go see it. Jason is drumming with Bright eyes in July supposedly, and Jenny's new album is coming out in August? I think, and who knows what Blake is doing? Pierre's got his solo album. So eh, I'm undecided.
I tried something new with my column this week- I included a
video playlist. Check it out if you're so inclined.
I'm going to try and spend some time with mom tomorrow as we haven't been hanging out much lately. We'll go to lunch and watch a movie, and maybe I'll show her more computer stuff. She loves learning about the computer, and she's doing pretty well, too.
In gaming news, we have a bunch of new players in OSI, yay! A couple of new folks in Stars too, so I'm hoping that'll be able to get moving well. Vie is pretty slow right now because we have so many people on hiatus for finals and the like, but I want to try and kick it along a little this weekend.