In work stuff news - today, I had to
set up a YouTube channel and a Flickr
group for Terami. The youtube channel was simple, easy to understand, and took not long at all to get situated. Easy peasy.
Then we came to Flickr. First, the obnoxious thing required me to log in with a Yahoo ID to even think about creating an account. So I logged in with mine, and later had to create a seprate one to transfer it over to so it's something Terami can access too. Then I set up the group - which is supposed to contain a group photo pool, so you can see the pictures uploaded from the account into the photo pool. There's a setting to allow this to be publicly visible to all users - so if you click that, it should.. y'know.. make the pictures publicly visible, right? Wrong. No pictures.
There's also some other check buttons - safe, moderate, adult. It doesn't explain what these settings are, really. I click, I reclick... in various combinations. NOTHING will make the pictures publically visible as far as I can tell.
Yet I know it can be done, because I can see the Rilo Kiley group photo pool without being logged in.
So.. if anyone has Flickr, please explain to me what internet gods I have to make an offering to in order to configure this thing properly because it's making me CRAZY. I'm also supposed to be setting up Imeem and Gather accounts, but hell, not tonight. Flickr has pretty much run me out of patience for the internet today.
In non work-stuff news, I went to lunch with my two brothers and mom today, and then we played Super Scrabble. I kicked much ass. Unforuntely, we played it outside on the deck, and the world was full of pollen today - which is agrivating my allergies. I think that's making me grumpy too, in addition to flickr.
Edit: I also noticed that I managed to misspell 'Hirsch' in like a million places (left out the c) - fortunately in none of the urls themselves, but ugh. If anyone sees a place I assed it up, please tell me so I can fix it before it embarasses both the artist and myself. I is train professional, for realz. Grr. I think this is just not my day.
Edit x 2: Looks like the Race to National Train day is over, and green won (though in the end, they decided to give all three conductors a prize, which is cool)- so our team not only won the competition, but Aus also gets a $100 dollar AMEX gift card! Yay!
Edit x3: Apparently, Flickr needs to 'review' your account, which could take up to a week, before it lets your pictures posted to a group pool be publicly visible. I guess this is to prevent you from posting pictures of your willy or your naked granny or something. But still! They should have A BIG NOTIFICATION that this is the case. Not me trying to figure out wtf for hours, and then finally having to ask in the help forum until someone finally had the answer. MRgh. I hate you, internet. I'm going to bed.