Part two of What Simon Said has been written and posted at
whatsimonsaid Word count is 3,638 total.
Went to Wal-Mart today to get some potting soil to repot our plants before we bring them in for the year. Some of them have gotten so huge! It was an annoyance to get the soil though - in the 'Lawn and Garden' section they had tons of Christmas crap, complete with holiday music being piped in and employees wearing those stupid felt Santa hats. Didn't we just have Halloween like, oh, yesterday? Grr. I hate how stores shove these holidays down our throats earlier and earlier all the time. Someday Christmas season will just start in summer.
Anyhow, I asked where the soil and pots were, and I was told I'd have to go out through all the Christmas crap to the great outdoors, where they were 'somewhere in between those storage trailers'. I just kind of stared at them, wondering why they thought I was going to go rooting around in the midst of their storage trailers to get an item that should have been right in lawn and garden anyhow- and likely would have been if they weren't busy whoring themselves out to Christmas.
So when I got out there, there were these huge blue trailers and pallets everywhere - and the potting soil only came in one size. I don't know how big it actually is, so let's just call it for the purpose of this post HUGEMUNGOUS. So I called "YO! Does anyone work here?" and a lady came out from the bowels of Christmas and asked if she could help me. I pointed at the soil and asked if they really expected me to climb over the pallets and maneuver a cart around the trailers to get that. So she climbed on over and then took one look at the HUGEMUNGOUS bag and said "Oh. I can't lift that. It's too big. Sorry."
I asked her what she thought I should do about it, then, because I needed potting soil. She suggested "Um.. you could go back there and drag it out somehow. I have to get back to Christmas. Bye!" Fortunately my son was willing to go back there and haul it out, but it was quite irritating.
While outside later at home doing the repotting, our old friend Joey walked by. Joey was one of my brother Ron's best friends growing up, and we see him around the neighborhood every now and again. So he came up to talk and we found out he was taking computer lessons, but didn't have a computer yet. Since we just wound up with one machine more than we need, we're going to fix it up and give it to him. I'm glad, because we were trying to figure out where to donate it to - and having a friend that can use it is even better! It's an older machine, but it still gets the internets and runs all the programs he'd likely need to run on it, so it should work out well for him. We just have to see what it needs - I think it needs a keyboard for sure. Joey might also give Steve guitar lessons, which would certainly be sweet.
Aus and I went to our favorite Chinese buffet for dinner - but it was very unpleasant. There was a group of loud teens there - about fifteen of them - some wearing sports team shirts and looking large and bulky. They were rude, obnoxious, throwing things and harassing their poor waitress who looked near tears. I was going to tell them to knock it the heck off, but Aus reminded me that there were 15 of them and only one of me, no matter how large and intimidating I can be.