This week, my husband (Money Correspondent
Austin Cushing) and I are having a
Soundtracking /
Common Cents crossover! For my part, this week's Soundtracking focuses on
Songs About Money. Aus's Common Cents talks about il/legal music downloading and the RIAA - be sure to check out
his article after reading mine.
Thank you to everyone who sent in a song suggestion for this playlist- we received well over a hundred song suggestions! Obviously, we couldn't use them all - but I hope you'll enjoy the 14 we picked. Be sure to click the link at the top of the article to load the playlist with these songs - it opens in a separate window so you can listen while you read.
Great Music Movies
For a future column, I would like to do a review of some of music movies. The Beatles Yellow Submarine, The Who's Tommy, This is Spinal Tap, Blue Hawaii, Across the Universe - what music driven movies do you enjoy? Please send me your suggestions so I can start watching them now!
Beach Boys Contest news
The contest is now over, and there were so many wonderful memories submitted! Thanks to everyone who entered. A winner will be announced on October 19th.
As always, thank you for reading and commenting on
Laura Cushing, Gather Music Correspondent
Every musician deserves a good audience! Find an audience for your music related content- publish to the
Soundtracking group, with over 900 members!
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