What I've been up to...

May 18, 2007 00:36

Today I went down the shore with my mom and my brother Joe. Joe and I climbed to the top of the Cape May Point Lighthouse (200 steps each direction!) and looked out at the sights below. Very pretty. I got a sticker for my state parks book, bringing my total to five - I'd have six if the Steuben house hadn't been flooded. I have to write to them and see if I can get them to mail me a sticker. I was there, dangit.

Have a new band I'm lackeying for (Interpol) bringing the total number to five (Rilo, Ozma, Elected, Jenny, Interpol). Interpol's got a new album out this summer too, July I think it was.

Soundtracking is going well. I did an article on Ozma's cd release this time around, and included the interview I did in March.

I'm going to be doing the Script Frenzy write a script in 30 days thingy that the NaNo folks are doing starting in June.

How's everyone else? I haven't been keeping up with LJ really well at all, so if there's anything you want to link me to read, please leave it comments.

Much love,

writing, family, soundtracking, music, travels

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