To protect and...stare resentfully

Feb 20, 2007 19:25

Man, I know our local fire company is volunteer, but hasn't anyone taught them manners?

Steve's volunteering with the fire company for his community service as part of his underage drinking incident. So the guy in charge I talked to on the phone was really nice, and I thought this would be a good thing. But when I got down there and brought Steve in, there was a room full of people (bunch of guys and two girls) who stared resentfully at us as we walked in. No "hello, can I help you?" or anything polite like that. When I said "Hi..." they stared some more. A cross between a 'don't even make me get up to fight your stupid fire' stare and a 'what the fuck are you doing here?' stare. Distinctly unwelcoming. So when I explained that Steve was here to do community service, they stared some more. Only when I said I'd talked to the guy in charge did they go get the chief. He was actually nice and told me where I could park and when I could pick him up, and that they'd have him call if he had to go home early because of a fire or something.

But wow. What happened to being polite to visitors?

Now I can't complain about the fire company not doing their job or anything. When I was in the accident, they were on the scene and they pried me out of my car and everything. I mean, they really do good things when they're on duty. But off duty, hanging around the firehouse... geeze. It was like being the new kid in high school and having to find a table at lunch or something. That kind of unwelcoming.

day to day, people, kids

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