Merry Christmas-ish

Dec 25, 2006 22:53

So, my Christmas consisted of...

my sister-in-law falling asleep every two minutes and bitching for three hours when my brother accidentally stepped on her foot

my brother bitching about the kids being too stressful

the girls fighting with each other and screaming loudly

my mother threatening to evict everyone (for like the millionth time)

relatives misplacing a gift card then accusing each other of stealing it for the next two hours (it was never found. My guess is that it got mixed in with someone else's presents and will be discovered when they look at them at home, or that it was accidentally thrown out with the trash and will never be found, in which case it will be the cause of bitching for years to come)

raging sinus pain

All I want for Christmas is a family that can have a holiday together without being completely irritating.

What I got:

wizardofaus and I got each other a DS and some games as a combined Christmas/anniversary gift. The games - Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Nintendogs

Tim (Aus's dad) sent me Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time

My mom had already given me my Christmas gifts beforehand - it was some craft stuff, movies, a video game, etc. Good stuff!

My brother Joe got me Apples to Apples, which is a really fun game.

My niece Jolene got me Scene It, which I haven't played yet but it looks pretty cool.

Ron and his wife got me a Buddha holding an electric lightning touchy globe thing - it's neat

My kids didn't get me anything - sadness.

Niki and Jim sent us a card and some Christmas cash - thanks guys ! We'll likely buy a DS game with it.

I got a nice care package from RK for the family - Elected fishie shirt, Elected sled shirt, two skelly hands shirts, three Elected wristbands, four Rise Up With Fists Gloves, two Hot Damn Jenny shirts and a note saying that hoodies were on the way, too. Woo!

Thanks to everyone else who sent cards, too! I love getting mail that isn't bills or junk.

Tomorrow I gotta see if the doctor can squeeze me in for this sinus problem. Man, my face hurts.

gifts, christmas

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