RPG character survey thingus from unkyrich

Aug 24, 2006 01:14

I'm answering for characters both past and present

Years roleplaying: About 15ish?
Least favorite character?: Eh... I don't know. I like all my characters, else I wouldn't play them.
Male or female characters?: Both
Oldest character played?: Samuel Wu, who was in his eighties and still demon slaying and training others. He was also really into feng shui (sp?)
Longest character played?Shidi, I think. (pronounced SHY DEE). For like about eight years?
Newest character?:Well, I just revamped Ambria for Rich's new game - so that'd be her.

Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge?: Kieran Blakemoor
Get drunk and pass out?: Kit Bothwell
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?: Gareth Uth'Malin
Be far too hyper for their own good?: George Davis
Be raped?: wtf kind of question is that? Michael Malone, I guess, only because he's so passive and not very good at defending himself.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?: Vladamir von Teshov
Get lung cancer?: Anzack
Star in a horror movie?: Spericulous , spider lovin' plague demon that he was
Star in a whore movie?: Tina the tigress
Star in a video game?: Tamara Kennedy
Make the world a better place?: Val DeMarco
Have a torrid gay love affair?: Ambrose!(And he did, too)

Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love Elanna Blakemoor
Hate Arcanus
Money Sung Hee Kim Cho (Six ninety nine!)
Seduction:Rico Santino
Lies Xandria Hoffman
Tragedy Billy O'Reily , poor guy.
Manipulation Rachel Lee
Violence Gareth Uth'Malin again
Politics Fes Cargess
Fire Lou Daru, who loved to blow things up
Ice Georgia Lynn Witherspoon

Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Did it
Play a musician?: Did it
Play a pilot?: Did it.
Play a homosexual?: Did it.
Play a pedophile?: Eh, there would have to be some serious plot reason, and it would almost certainly have to be a villain.
Play a politician?: Did it.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? A romantic plot, sure. Smut, no.
Play a character who commits incest?: Had one who wound up involved with her brother, sort of, after a reincarnation. Well, her past-incarnation brother. So yeah, but only under certain plot circumstances not just "I love me some relations!"

games, characters, meme, roleplaying

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