What I've been up to....

Apr 03, 2006 21:26

Saturday, I finished To Kill a Mockingbird. The story was even better now that I was older and could get some of the nuisances I'd missed the first time around. If you haven't read this classic book yet, please do. You'll likely enjoy it too.

Yesterday I wound up going out to lunch with my family, and playing a game of Scrabble with my mother and brother. I also got some work done in the story workbook- I even got a new character to introduce to the Michael stories (eventually- don't know when I'll write him in, but he exists and I'm excited about him). His name is Texas Caine, and he's a music manager. I've also come to the conclusion that I need to know more about some of the minor characters in the story - like the full names of Jules and Mac, Michael's bandmates. I think I'm going to spend some time working on that this week. I posted the questions of the month at writers_almanac - I think in addition to filling them out for Michael, I might also fill them out for some of the other characters. It will help. I'm also going to post a list of the cast of characters on the journal and myspace, for the curious.

Today I did a lot of reading in the Characters and Viewpoint book. It's a lot of stuff that I already knew on a subconscious level, but it makes me more aware of these elements in my stories. I like that. Being more aware of them means that I can learn to use them more effectively. All this reading and studying is really making me want to go back to college. I'm once again seriously considering trying to figure out how to take some courses this year. I also organized some more of my Sim photos, and posted pictures for Nervous Subject & Pascal Curious (Strangetown), and Shadi and George Gabel (Veronaville) in my lsims journal. Aus is working on his Sim Story, The Truman Sim. I also went with my mom to see a movie - Failure to Launch. It was really pretty good - funny, good characters. Of course it followed your standard romantic comedy formula of 'odd situation brings boy and girl together, they fall for each other, complication ensues, they break up, they get back together omg true love'. But within those bounds, it did have some amusing twists.

I've been considering doing a new journal layout- anyone have any suggestions?

layout, movies, writing, sims pictures, michael stories

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