The past couple of days have been good, though I haven't been much for writing them down...
Here's some highlights...
Alex came to pick us up - he was even a bit early, thanks to Rand McNally and their overestimation of how long it took to get places. We were singing Elected songs and talking about what we thought they'd play and everything on the way over to Christina's. Christina's new apartment is nice, though pretty non-furnished as yet, hehe. We played Elixir, and ate pizza and made s'mores which were very good....
Christina's cat spend the entire time hiding and avoiding us. We saw a few peeks of him though, and he's very cute - if a big scaredy cat.
So Alex drove to the TLA, amd we met up with Amy and her boyfriend and Nick and his girlfriend and other folks outside. They had no guestlist at the ticket window yet, so we just kind of hung out and got rained upon... then went in and gave them our tickets. Caveman came and hugged me and gave them the list, but by then we had given them our tickets anyhow... and I pretty much discovered that when you're guest listed you don't need to buy tickets because we could have gotten in for free. Knowing is half the battle, yes, yes. We were right up in front next to the stage, and the Elected were sooo good! I can't believe how incredibly awesome they were- it's been two years since I'd seen them last, and they were excellent before but they've gotten EVEN BETTER.
I bought a ton of Elected stuff, that I wound up later getting for free* - tshirt, buttons, stickers, LP...
Then we went out to hang in the alley with them while they put their stuffs away into the van. It was still raining, so we were getting wet, but we hung out quite a while and got hugs and pictures and did much talking. It was just me, Aus, Christina, Alex, Nick and his girlfriend Niki and this girl Violet that we'd met up with hanging out with them - pretty sweet. They're such lovely people. They signed my LP - Mike wrote "Laura - Where would we all be without you, hmm?' and Blake wrote "To Laura- Thanks for all the love!!" . That made me very happy. *Then Blake asked me if I'd bought the LP and if I bought a lot of stuff and I told him yeah, I'd brought the money I won from the short story contest to spend on Elected stuff. He said that it wasn't right that I should be buying Elected things and offfered me my money back - I declined, but he wouldn't let me say no really. He didn't have any money with him, and asked Nate how much he had. Nate counted - he had 17, which Blake said wasn't enough - and he told me not to go anywhere, then went back inside and came back out with three twenties that he pressed in my hand. "Reinvest this into your craft, " he said, saying I should get some writing stuff with it. I started to choke up a bit , and he told me not to cry or I'd make Nate cry - and Nate said "It's true" and made a funny face at me and I started laughing instead. We talked about my writing and I gave him a copy of the Santa Clara Review I had with me. We hung out with them until they left to go get something to eat, then we drove back and dropped Christina off.
On the way home, we got a little lost, hehe... but then we got back on track. Then we left our camera in Alex's car, and he had to come back and give it back to us. But all in all, it was a great time!
Steve brought home a betta from the store in a little cup - we didn't know anything about them at all, or have any stuff for them. So I joined
bettafishowners and got some great advice - and we set him up in a 2.5 gallon tank with some nice silk plants to hide in and everything. He's really cute. Steve named him Chaos, because of all the chaos bringing him home caused. I will have pictures later.
I went to the bookstore to get some books with the sixty bucks Blake had given me. I got - The Marshall Plan Workbook for Novels, Writing Dialogue, Characters & Viewpoint , and The 3 am Epiphany. I noticed the bookstore was having a 25% off sale for educators, and joked that I should have brought a teacher with me. The clerk said that saying the word 'teacher' was close enough for him, and gave me the discount anyhow - which means I now still have ten bucks left, woo!
I sat down and listened to Elected music and did some of the workbook yesterday- it's rather helpful.
And that's pretty much what I've been up to... oh, other than applying to join a Camelot RPG as "Brave Sir Robin". Woo!