Lab Arc Designs now seeking quality writers/ roleplayers

Feb 12, 2006 17:58

The Lab Arc Designs group currently runs the following games, all of which are now seeking applications from qualified applicants. Contact us via email at , or by AIM at Lab Arc Designs to arrange an interview, or follow the directions as listed on the individual game's website. Note: If you would like to become a player in multiple Lab Arc games, you only need to apply once. Once you've been accepted, you can play in any of our games ever, for LIFE, unless you someday start to suck.

Great settings, unique games! Please read on....

About Lab Arc:
Lab Arc GM/Mods are writers and gamers with years of experience behind them.
We have been running online games since 1997.
Check out our website at

Player guidelines:
Interested players must be....

* 18+ and demonstrating a basic maturity
* Drama-free, friendly, dependable, able to play well with others
* Good writing and grammar skills, no chatspeak
* Interested in character/plot development
* Capable of playing well-rounded, non Mary-Sue Characters
* Experienced gamer, or novice/less experienced, but willing to learn

What we offer:
* Mellow, accessible, friendly GMs contactable by AIM, email or IRC
* Dynamic storylines that change and evolve according to character actions
* IRC chat , both OOC and IC
* Great NPCs, rich settings, detailed histories
* Excellent players with wonderful characters, and great writing skills
* Assistance as needed with characters, storylines, etc.
* Freeform games, some with rules system options

Current Games:

New Graceland

Time running: Brand new, just about to start!
Your GMs: L and Aus
Format: Play takes place by post on Greatest journal, and also via chat
System: Freeform
Based on: Song lyrics
Characters: Characters are created from song lyrics from any era and genre
Game time: Real time game, but setting is a retro-new look (think The Incredibles type of a world. Fifties look, but modern things like computers and cubicals)
Premise: Elvis left this world in 1977 and founded New Graceland, a town where he could live among the music he loved. When a musician creates a character-driven song, that character comes to life and exists in New Graceland so long as his song is being sung somewhere in the real world. Songs (and the characters based on them) can be from any era or genre.
Upcoming events: The game will be starting as soon as we get enough characters to play in it, so come on down!
Needed: Any character based on a song lyric! For an example, see The Mariner , taken from The Decemberists' Mariner's Revenge Song.

End of the Line

Time running: Over a year
Your GMs: L, Aus, Niki, Rick, Jim
Format: Play takes place by post on Greatest journal, and also via chat
System: Freeform, with an option to use the BTVS Eden system to make a character sheet
Based on: Loosely based on the Buffyverse future, in NYC in the year 2013
Characters: All originals
Game time: Game runs on real time month and date wise (there's a calendar of events to help players keep up), but in the year 2013
Premise: The year is 2013. A group of supernatural entities (primarily vampires and demons, some lychantropes) called The Guardians has come to a position of power in the world. Humanity can either choose to live in ignorance of their true nature or resist. There are two resistance groups, plus a 5th column resistance within the Guardians themselves. The game isn't entirely apocalyptic, however - there's a focus on the characters themselves, who are trying to live their lives while fighting the good fight.
Upcoming events: The mysterious goth club, The Requiem, is having a band/musician contest called Requiem Idol. A good way to intro a character into this game would be as a contestant in this event.
Needed: Basic humans, some non-humans - maybe a lychanthrope or two, more resistance splinter groups, fifth column members....

Into the Black

Time running: About six months
Your GMs: L and Aus
Format: Play takes place by post on Greatest journal, and also via chat
System: Freeform, with an option to use the Serenity RPG by Margaret Weiss productions to make a character sheet
Based on: the Firefly universe, before the Serenity movie
Characters: Canon and originals
Game time: Episodic- about a month of character time is assumed to pass between episodes of the game. Far future setting.
Premise: Three ships are currently in play - the Serenity, the SS Walden, and the Starflare. Each ship has its own goals and story in every episode. You have the option of creating your own ship (particularly if you are joining with a group of friends), or joining one of the existing ships.
Upcoming events: Each of the ships is currently planetside working on a job - many opportunities to get a new character onboard.
Needed: Mr. Universe, Badger, members of the Cobb family (other than Janye and Matty) for an upcoming visit to their hometown, any original or mini-canon characters you can think of


Time running: A few months
Your GM: Niki
Format: Play takes place by post on Live Journal, and also via chat
System: Freeform, with option to create d20 modern character sheet
Based on: Creepy small towns everywhere, Norse mythology
Characters: Humans, residents or newcomers to the town - any age
Game time: Real time, current time and date
Premise: In the seemingly peaceful small town of Mittilagart, Iowa , a small group of citizens attempt to reclaim their freedom and reality from a group of ancient demons
Upcoming events: March 8th - Founders day picnic
Needed: A member of the Heinrich family (one of the founding families descendants), any others

Coming soon - Arcydea, a richly developed fantasy world with play taking place at the Legarro Academy of Magic.

Browser-based games
Legend of the Green Leupak - Harken back to the days of door games in this Legend of the Red Dragon derivative!
Set in the world of Nexus, this browser-based game is great for monster slaying fun.

We also run a couple of RPG advertisement communities you should be aware of - buffyrpers for Buffy/Angel rpgs , and serenityrpgs for Serenity/Firefly and other space-opera or western themed game ads.

You can also join our Lab Arc Designs community, arcology to keep up on the latest news about our games and projects.

We'd really love to get some new players- don't be shy! We're quite friendly, and you're welcome to contact us over AIM at Lab Arc Designs for information on any of the games or to make an application.

Hope to hear from some of you soon!


rpgs, games, lab arc designs, roleplaying

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