Sep 15, 2005 15:50
The lawyer helped us with figuring out where we need to go and who we need to call- he also got on the insurance company to start to process the claim for supplemental income so hopefully that'll come in sometime soon (fingers crossed). He also investigated my ticket/suspension problem- turns out when I originally paid the ticket, they undercharged me. By $25 bucks. That 25 has been in the system haunting me all these years- and is now $75 bucks because... get this ... the court issued a warrant for my arrest for 50 bucks because I'm such a horrible traffic debtor. Motor vehicle seized on the opportunity to make some restoration fee money and suspended me, upping the cost of getting this all straightened out by hundreds more dollars... again. So tomorrow (today I had too many appointments - plus I just got the phone call with the ticket number and location of the court) - I gotta try and negotiate with the court people to see if I can just pay the original 25 and get them to drop the warrant (I can't afford 75 ={ ). Then if I can manage to do that, I've got to take the ticket and my suspension notice to one of the big DMV centers (...I have no idea where one of those is. My lawyer said there's one 'somewhere in Depford' - so I also have to find that out) and try to beg, plead, and cry and get them to drop that because there's no way I can afford that. If not, then the lawyer has to file for a hearing.
Also tomorrow, we have to go to Aus's work and see if they have anything for him that doesn't involve heavy lifting- and if they can't retrain him for another position that he can physically handle, if they'll release him so that he can collect unemployment. He'll also get 60% of his profit sharing and the like- so that'll be some help too.
day to day,