Did you ever just have someone ask you one single question, and the answer to that seems to sum up everything that's wrong in your life?
That's pretty much what just happened to me.
L i looked for you at the show last night but didn't see ya. shame you missed it. are you going to balt on friday?
My reply:
I wish - I've been missing every show (and likely will be for some time) due to the car accident my hubby and I had back in February. Right now, it's physical therapy/doctors five times a week. I can barely walk/sit/stand most of the time - which means no concerts for quite some time Sad
It's a sad situation - I've been really depressed about things. I miss going to concerts and hanging out with you guys and the Elected and Rilo. One of the things they're considering is disc replacement in my lower back, which means I might conceivably (if I get that done and recover successfully) someday be back in concert-going shape. But that someday won't be for a long time.
And now my husband's disability just ran out this month- and doctors say we're nowhere near recovered enough for work. So who knows where money for food and medicine and taking care of three kids is going to come from now.
So.. yeah, missing the concerts is just the tip of the iceberg, but it's pretty much the symbol of everything else going on in my life- everything I used to be able to go do and enjoy, I can't anymore and I'm slowly sinking into this downward spiral of depression and lack of funds.
Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble here - the short answer is no, I won't be in Baltimore, or anywhere else for a very long time to come.
Yeah. That's pretty much my life. Not getting to see concerts may seem like this trivial thing, but it's the little thumbnail of the big picture.