Apr 02, 2001 10:35
Nomi had the nerve to reply to Kara's post. Yet, lacked the guts to be mature and responsible about leaving, as did Claire. I despise falseness so much in people, damn their black hearts, both of them.
Of course, it was just to try and shift the blame to someone else. Ever this, to blame someone else for their own actions. Never their responsibilty, of course not. Always "We felt we had to do this" or "You made us..." in that sick little symbiotic plural that has come to symbolize their lives. They should just screw and get it over with.
Or grow up. Or both.
Still, it is disheartening to know that people you once cared for are so vile and craven as to sneak off and leave everthing unclosed, from what happens to all their characters who were with other characters in the roleplay all the way right on down to the "hey, we once trusted you so much that you have a lot of our shit, and we'd like it back now".
Shallow, nasty, craven little cowards.
If I believed in hell, I'd almost wish for you both to rot in it.
But of course, I don't. And from my estimations, if I did, I'd say you were both already there.
So what changes?
The sun still rises. Spring still follows winter. None of this will matter in a hundred years, which is like a blink of an eye to the universe.
Betrayal has been a part of humanity since Cain and Able (and I'm quite sure, since that's a Christian myth, in civilizations that went before it.)
That doesn't make it hurt any less.
Its amazing that even though you know humanity sucks in general, the pain is still fresh evertime you're confronted with the fact.