At least according to the Live Journal users who list it as an intrest.
Some other amusing conclusions from looking there...
Cats are Better than
Guys .
Tori Amos is preferable to
Cheese .
569 people are into
kissing . 547 are into
beer . So at least some people are getting kissed without being plied with alcohol first.
437 very vague people are into ... like...
stuff 422 more specific people are into
death .
Monty Python is more popular than
God . And funnier, too.
Only two more people would rather take
drugs than
cuddle . A comforting thought.
Spirituality has a one point lead on
hair dye . I can't ponder the meaning of life today, honey, I've got to dye my hair!
5 more people would rather watch
Star trek than
Shakespeare Just thought I'd share my amusement.