Wei, Winston and I went for the BlogOut event by
The Digital Movement folks. It was quite an interesting event with quite a good turnout. Bloggers from STOMP, Tomorrow.sg etc were all there. I joined in one of the discussion groups on Corporate Blogging and there were interesting views by several people in the group. Met some friends, met our client from
Velvet Puffin (who's invited to give a short intro about the service) and met some media folks too.
I just have to say this - I totally disagree that any company should set up a "corporate blog" and have "ghost writers" behind it just to keep it going. I agree with one of the guys staff needs to have the similar passion and belief in what he/she is contributing to the blog, otherwise, it's just another "part of the job tasks" that he/she is going to do.
I also think alot of PR agencies are not understanding new media and blogging, we are often asked to STRATEGISE for a corporate blog, develop KEY MESSAGES and should the blog receives some feedback that is in anyway perceived as "negative" or "not constructive" by clients, we get into a "crisis mode".
I read this interesting article on Corporate Blogging -
Corporate Blogs: Weapons of Crass Discussion?