Wednesday night.
Went to Indie Night with Annie, had a couple of pints. Decided on a drag name for me and what songs I will do in the Dogtown Bois show on Sunday. These are: Mike Rotch (say it out loud) and 'Pretty Fly For A White Guy' by The Offspring.
Proceeded to Reflections for Ladies' Night. Had more beer, in bottles this time. Was in the smoking room with Annie talking to the DJ who was up after the band that was playing. Suddenly I heard something familiar: "Ohh get me away from here, I'm dying ..." Augghh! I grabbed Annie and we ran to the dance floor. The band was covering one of the Belle and Sebastian songs from the play we'd just finished.
Soon after that we were dancing to 'It's a Sin' by the PetShop Boys - the song Annie had requested. We were on the dance floor most of the night (I was actually there more than her!) and fun was had by all. Casey and a lovely drag queen did a lipsynch on stage to "Paradise By The Dashboard Light" that rocked my socks off.
The next thing I know Casey is telling us that we have to go because it's pouring outside (it sounded logical at the time) and we hopped into a cab. We all got out at Casey's and Annie and I ran off into the commons. My legs felt like stilts. Casey said that it was too cold and went inside. :P
It was gorgeous out! The rain was pouring down and we were soaked before we even got to the swings. We got on the swings and swung as high as we could while the lightning cracked across the sky in electric purple. We let out whoops of delight with every bolt, the thunder echoing our laughter in earth-shaking bass. We both felt like we were high. I felt like I was the centre of the storm. It was beautiful.
The next day saw me sunken into Annie's couch with a scorching hangover. We were supposed to move the rest of Annie's stuff to her new place, but we were fooling no one. I couldn't even peel myself up off the couch (in my still damp clothing) much less heft bed frames and such down and up stairs. Ugh.
At one point the angel of foodstuffs (Annie) came in with a cream cheese coated bagel and I began to feel better. Still nauseous, but better. I drove her to work and headed home, praying that I would not be sick in the car. I made it!
I got home and got into some warm, dry clothes and took some aspirin and pepto. Then I settled into bed with a jug of water, a bucket (just in case) and my kitty. Oh so cozy, yet still my head was spinning.
I woke up at about 9pm and everything was all right. I was ravenous but all right. I was not dead, nor did I feel like dying. Yay! Oh memories.