IC: Scribbles

Mar 09, 2011 19:14

[Written in code/G-script - newest entries topmost]

Another alien! But anyways.. We discussed various possibilities, settled on one and split up in order to be more effective. Team A consisted of me and Fishface, and Lipstick, Prussia and Canada joined team B. My team found a teleporter on one of the soldiers. I was able to make it work after a few tries so I sent us into the doctors chambers in order to gather more clues.

I helped out the old geezer, and tried to convince him to join the upcoming meeting. Seems like he's more interested in killing terrorists though; he has already murdered two of them. A soldier had given him information about the respawn system; the world we originally come from will assume and go on as if we died for real if we die in here so that means that most of us can't go back.. The respawn pulls us back from another version of our world..

I had originally planned to go after the soldiers by myself, but Prussia strongly suggested that we should gather everyone up and figure what to do in unison instead so I agreed to give him a chance.

They.. they killed Luka! Maybe for good.. Fuckin bastards; I'll get them for this!! And they'll probably kill of Romano and Andrea too shortly if we don't act quickly!!

A newcomer arrived; an alien! Not a small green one this time, but a gray-skinned horned one, but that's cool too. She refers to herself as a troll, and is quite willing to talk about stuff related to her race. Too bad that her timing is pretty bad; I should talk more with her later.

The soldiers managed to capture Luka and Romano! Fuck, I hate hostage situations.. They want us to turn in the 'terrorists', but I doubt that'll solve things. Besides, where are the four idiots hiding anyway?

First I end up in Prussia's body, and now I'm a tiger.. I fuckin' hate this place. South is an elephant, Andrea is a monkey, the old geezer is a tucan, and I don't know about the others. I tried to locate them and the enemy, but that was easier said than done in the stupid jungle.

Seems like I've been out for a while; I don't recall seeing any of the latest messages on the com.. Did I die again? I don't remember it though..


I informed everyone about what the newbies said, and told Medic to stop messing with Andrea, but the asshole ain't listening! The things he did to her earlier.. he's seriously a twisted old bastard! Fuck; he better not die and re-appear in her body; that might break her completely.. I'd kill him, but what's the use? Everyone just keep coming back so it'd be a never-ending war, and I certainly don't feel like testing out the re-spawn function again anytime soon myself.

Prussia broke down a wall, and died since he ended up in space, unable to breathe.. The facility itself is apparently a large airship of some kind.. Holy shit, I don't even..!

Seems like more people have died and re-appeared lately too; Romano looks like Canada, and Andrea looks like Medic.. Fucking idiot; I told her not to mess with him! And people call ME reckless! Well, it's not like I care or anything.. God, her room looks more wrecked every time I see it.

I don't get it; Canada doesn't even know me, but the kid still offered to help. He's just too fuckin' nice.. Geeze, pull yourself together and stop being so pathetic already; can't have five-year olds trying to cheer you up for crying out loud, that's just lame!

I certainly died, no doubt about it, but here I am.. In Prussia's body!! What the hell?! Everything is so fucked up.. Zero came back too, but he looks normal, if still somewhat shaken.

Still unsure what to do, I dragged that curly-haired kid along as I decided to attempt to dig my way out of the asylum; he had a shovel and everything. That was a fuckin' bad idea though; we ended up in some freaky machine! I managed to knock Zero out so hopefully he won't remember much. Shredded to death.. God, that was.. I'd rather take Gamma's torture any day in comparison!

^Where's my body?!^

The newbies wanted to talk to three of us so me, Prussia and Andrea volunteered. I talked with a woman called Maryse. She told me that the facility have been running for at least two decades, until the 'doctors' died, and that's apparently about 50 years ago, and it's currently year 2073.. Maryse and the others have done something to be labeled as criminals, and we're suddenly branded as 'associates' since they initiated contact with us by breaking in here. The government will be coming for them soon so we'll likely be questioned or killed on sight if we stay here. They need our help to get away though, and that's why they're trying to get in contact with us. They need technical/mechanical assistance, help with carrying parts around, and our aid in fighting back if everything else fails. In return, they'll help us get out of here, but they're unable to send us back home so it's all rather pointless for my part.. What to do..?

Ran into a rather beat-up Andrea in the hallway; she had apparently gotten into a fight with the old geezer. I fixed her up as well as I could, and told her to stay out of his way.

A bunch of weirdos posted a message on the com; they're suggesting that they're the new people in charge, and that they need our help with keeping this place up and running.. I'm skeptic, but I guess it won't hurt to learn more about them; maybe we can reach some sort of agreement, or manipulate them to do what we want them to since they seem to be somewhat incompetent.

^The new guys^

Miku worries me. She appears to be quite broken now, both physically and mentally, but I don't know what to do.. Shit, I've never been good at stuff like this; where's the smiling baseball idiot when you need him? She keeps singing a sad song called Saihate over and over again; she and Kouki had apparently just starting going out, and now he's not here anymore..

My neighbor is gone.. Sure, it's nice to have the bathroom all to myself and everything, but I sort of miss him..

There's a lot of new people roaming about at the moment. A lost-looking dog approached me; perhaps it was looking for its owner? And.. I SPOKE WITH AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL! It was green and everything, if a bit shorter than I had pictured them to be! It seemed to really loathe homo saphiens unfortunately.. Of course, I'm certain that I'd be able to convince it that at least the Vongola are to be reckoned with if we had talked some more. I also met a talking pony; that was sort of cool too, but it seemed to be pretty confused. And Andrea suddenly popped into my room from out of nowhere; the teleportation system is obviously going high-wire! Good thing I was properly dressed.

What now?! The wings are gone, but the whole building is shaking.. Is this another fuckin' test? Or could someone be trying to break into the building from the outside.. The curly kid seemed to be pretty worried. We talked a bit on the com, and he wants to help out if I come up with a new plan to get out of here. He might be useful so I'll keep that in mind.

^Earthquakes and chaos^

Luka and Miku decided to do a concert, and invited everyone to come and watch.

I learned a lot from observing Prussia's bird, and Samus gave me some instructions too. Medic was even weirder than usual, but he seemed to be impressed by my flying. Andrea was not impressed at all however; she was pretty annoyed by the whole situation. Miku was having a lot of trouble with her butterfly wings so I found a place for her to practice under more safe conditions. Cat-ears wanted to test out his wings with someone in particular, but he didn't want to say who it was. I was going to tease Tomatohead, but that plan sort of backfired, making me look like a bloody fool instead.. Damn.

Talked with Luka on the com; she was dead set on keeping me from smoking under our current conditions, claiming that it would be dangerous. Che..

And now we're all sporting some sort of wings instead of hands.. mine are grey and raven-like. It's really bothersome; how the hell am I going to light up my cigarettes without hands?! But being able to fly is kinda cool..


Another kid arrived, a nation called New France this time.

Linda finally decided to talk with us, and she's apparently interested in fixing me and my world's problems.. She also said that the terminated people were alright.. Hell, they better be! She asked me a couple of things about myself, but I didn't give her much to go on.

Me and the emo talked a bit and wrecked some havoc in the library; she's alright I guess, if a bit weird. Must keep an eye on her just in case though. Medic killed himself, and then reappeared in the cafeteria a few days later - all just to prove a point. Fuckin' lunatic.. I also learned that Northern Italy had been sent back home for a while, and re-captured at a later time.. She had good news though; she could confirm that she was sent back to the exact time she had left! That means that I probably won't have to worry about the Tenth and the others when I'm gone!

Tomatohead was acting even more weird than usual, me and Samus compared some notes, a new kid arrived, and Prussia had some sort of plan that involved fire. The girl I met during the freaky child stuff is here too, but she didn't recognize me. Hell if I'll tell her that that pathetic brat was the younger version of me!

I think that Ashura and Poland are gone; the number outside their rooms have vanished.. I hope the little firegod is alright. Poland too I guess..

Lots of changes around here now.. There's actually some items in the gym, and more doors can be opened. I don't like that everyone has access to the music room though! I told everyone to lay of my piano, and they seemed to get the message.. Theres plenty of musicians among us at the moment; Medic plays the violin, Prussia has his flute, Miku can play some piano, and Romano probably knows how to play the guitar.

^After the farm and lots of weird shit^

The old geezer actually helped me.. He's a doctor, sure, but I still didn't expect it. Other stuff that happened; blew up a shark, listened to Miku singing in the saloon, looked for the others with Luka, stopped child Romano from running into the ruins, and spoke to Cat-ears during the chocolate shower.

I don't even.. I've sort of been in kid form before when the 10-year bazooka malfunctioned, but not mentally! Shit, that was fucked up; I had sort of forgotten what I was like back then. He/me/whatever managed to get himself killed in a retarded way in the end; I didn't know what to do with the corpse so I left it alone..

--> The 7 year old me didn't bother to jot anything down in this book so..

Woke up at a strange farm; it is probably also part of asylum-crap. I spoke a bit with a newer version of Miku.. weird.


The giant is from the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy, and she even owns a fuckin' spaceship! She looks like and claims to be a human so her descendants must be from Earth, but she still somewhat counts as an extraterrestrial.

^After Gravity test^

I met the woman now staying in Yamamoto's room, and a new girl who turned out to be Miku's sister! Oh yeah, that one also had a strange little pet called Tako. I managed to study it somewhat during the small gathering Miku proposed to figure out the test. We didn't succeed, but I wasn't really paying much attention to it anyways so that wasn't surprising.

Prussia discovered that Anne is a fuckin' traitor! I knew there was something fishy about that blond bitch..

I don't know how, but the gravity is fucked up all over the facility! Most people have still been getting around though, except for Romano who got stuck in the pool area for a while.

^Gravity test^

My stomach's finally full again. Hah, take that Medic! I knew they'd return the food eventually.

Bumped into Kouki in the library. We checked out some books, mostly lame and useless ones, but we also encountered some disturbing shit.. We talked a bit, and I learned some more about the guy and his situation.

Miku is pretty focused on the Welco.. I mean, Information Committee.

The food is still gone, and the old geezer thinks we should start eating each other.. Twisted bastard. He's so fuckin' annoying! The idiot obviously looks down on me, and he's always ready with a snide remark. I'll definitely kick his ass if the captors would just see fit to return my fuckin' weapons!

Prussia also saw the pattern behind the room numbers; that was a surprise. He's apparently a bit brighter than I give him credit for.

Romano was actually somewhat helpful for once; we discussed possible make-shift weapons.

There's something strange going on.. It's basically impossible to tell an outright lie, and we keep saying stuff we didn't intend to share in the first place!

I tried confronting Anne with my research, but I didn't really learn that much in the end. She looked a bit frightened in some parts of the conversation so I know I'm on to something!

Prussia plays the flute, and I have to admit that he's really talented. I tried playing a few songs on the piano myself, and it went rather well fortunately.

The clones are gone? She better not have run away with my weapons! And where's the fuckin' food? The baseball idiot is still gone too..

^Back in the prison^

Miku knows now; I got tired of lying to her.. But she's handling it rather well. I should have expected as much; she's more intelligent and advanced than the rest of the bunch here after all, with her being a robot and all.


-> To be backdated at some point


^Power guessing game^


Nico Robin
Food is back

^Chaos: blindness, geese and shrinking^


^Outside: a new world?^

Breaking down the walls with dynamite



Everyone are locked up in the gym
Arriving at Carriero


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