Finally downloaded and watched the JE Countdown concert!! This is the first concert I've watched in ages, maybe in like 1+ year (I don't even remember whether I watched the Countdown Concert last year...I hope I did...better check later. I should be ashamed of myself :P, I realised I never watched Arashi's 5x10 Anniversary Concert, and the ones after that (if there's one...) SEE? that's what I meant! I'm so out of touch with fandom! Real life's an ass, university is hell and partly due to the sheer amount of TV shows I watch...9 or 10 active series at the moment XP
Ever since I reached the last year of high school, I've like...distanced myself from the fandom, not that I want to. I stopped downloading scans, stopped checking comms daily and I only watch minimal amount of videos. I also moved away from listening to J-pop and diverse to other entertainments. I was afraid that I'll never pick the fandom up again, that I grew out of it. But every now and then an Arashi/V6/Jpop song will pop up from my shuffle, putting a smile on my face every time, every now and then I'll watch a video and be reminded how much I adore them. Oh, fandom how i've missed you :')
It's a disappointment when I realised Arashi won't be in the countdown this year, NagasexJun anyone?? XD how come TOKIO can make it in time but Arashi couldn't?
also, I hope pigs will fly next year and SMAP will finally come to yhr countdown...won' t it be awesome to see SMAP / Arashi / V6 / Kinki Kids /TOKIO all on the same stage?!
But the host is Kinki Kids!! I can't complain!! oh and every time the stage / dome of these concerts, it gives me goosebumps. It's so beautiful and mesmerizing, so many fans~
Bonus candies from the countdown: Commercials
Okada, why do you look so handsome while drinking coffee *__* ~ ♥
then there's Eiji Wentz!! I want to squish him so bad, his pout! I wish WaT isn't so dead!
♥♥♥ honestly, he looks so freaking handsome, I'm glad Kinki Kids is the host, so much Koichi throughout. One of the things I love about JE countdowns: Koichi's birthday! Otanjoubi Omedetou! so lucky, so many people celebrating it with him. No kissy and rose from Tsuyoshi this year?? >3> I spent quite some time just staring at his beauty.
Tackey & Tsubasa are still together?!
honestly that was my first thought :P thought they went solo since I remember they didn't really have much release in the past year? (again that might be me being too out of touch) but I'm glad that's not the case. Tackey was so high this year!
4th panel: I honestly thought for a few seconds that he was gonna strip and change XPPPPP *smack*
Next came a WTF moment for me...O________O
Hey!Say!JUMP...I thought it doesn't exist anymore and there's only NYC LOL...but the even more shocking thing is........SEXY ZONE? WHATTTTTTTTTTT? THE NAME IS HORRIBLE AND THEY LOOK LIKE 13 YEAR OLD BOYS. THAT IS SO WRONG OK? NO NO NO 13 YEAR OLD BOYS ARE NOT GODDAMN SEXY! HOLDING ROSES DOESN'T INCREASE THE APPEAL EITHER (so they're 11-17?) IT'S SO WRONG IN SO MANY WAYS! Johnny what is this!!
5-man KAT-TUN , so it's KaT-TUN now?
not much love for them tbh, and WOW hair *___* what did Ueda do...and Taguchi! I prefer the spikey or the flowy longish hair he had before XD
Then come NEWS. I already consider myself re-entering NEWS fandom already, thanks to Tegomasu and their song ♥♥ They make good songs, and Tegoshi and Masuda have always been my favourite in NEWS anyways ~~
THIS BOY IS SO PRETTY ALSJKHSL; ♥♥ SO SO SO PRETTY. HIS HAIR, HIS SMILE, HIS VOICE! Gosh, he's looks so slutty :D can't explain it in words, but he's just...pretty
and the little chipmunk!Masu :') I love his hair. I hope 4-man NEWS can bounce back and dear lord release something please!!
Arashi ~~ ♥ hello the love of my life
I like Happiness and the choreography :') The stage is awesome, but I really hope they can go countdown you know :'( I want fandom collision, I want Arashi x V6 x Kinki x TOKIO!!!
I was loling at him being all confused and giggly. During the first half, he had no idea what he was doing, and he tried following and failed obviously and stayed at the side to wait for his chance to come back in. LOL honey, missed a rehearsal?!
lol I don't know who they are, Kis-my-ft2? right? but I LOL when the guy slipped :P and the little panel took all my attention away from the performance. Tsubasa getting strangled by all those hands XDDDDD
Veggies are good for you :)
HAHAHAHAHA the rotten carrot xD this performance, honestly XD always count on Kanjani8 to come up with something rigorously funny! Taikon!Tachhon ♥ and Yoko blender!!! his thug expression
love the stage, but seems a little lonely, pleaseeeeeeee come to countdown properly T_______T I want to see them seeing songs from other groups! I want to see them goofing around with everyone!
Just TOKIO being themselves
What's happening in the last 2 panel? They're just being TOKIO! Always count on them to goof around any time any where, even in Kouhaku!! These 30+ men XDD I love those airships, that's such a cool way to make an entry.
SOMEONE CONTROL TAICHI!!!!! HE'S GOING MAD! i was tempted to sing when Taichi pointed the mic to the camera, but I couldn't it was 1:30am...
♥s everywhere. I love their kira kira~suits. And Ken-chan I love you so much :') he didn't' do much but he's so cute. I wished they also sang Only Dreaming! Go Rocks the hat btw~as always
Yes them again :P
*__________* Looking so good, YES? they do!! i really really like Tegoshi's hair style (stylist ILU!) and i love the pink costumes. Suddenly wanna listen to Weeeeeek so much XD
Returning to sempais
I saw Higashi appear in that suit and I'm already so excited. Then he turned his head, then then there's someone in the corner...who is it who is it?..........OH MY GOD. I ACTUALLY SQUEALED OUT LOUD. KOICHI YOU CANNOT LOOK BETTER. :') (His hair looks so silky ~~ ) AND PEOPLE KEEP ASKING ME WHY I LIKE "OLD" PEOPLE INSTEAD OF THOSE EARLY 20 IDOLS/ACTORS ♥♥♥♥♥ *roll eyes* please~
whoever came up with this choreography. GENIUS. Koichi looks so hot in that suit and picking the jacket from the floor with the mouth *diesssssssss* ♥♥♥ Go and Jun looked so serious XD and Ken, d'awwwww still so cute, so cute >W<
Kinki x TOKIO = adorkable adults
I just love the face of Kinki there :P, more goofing around. Especially love the bit when they went "" when the transmission probably lagged a little, all of them staring in the camera and what the koichi's body XD
Okada looking awesome in that black suit. and more love, GoKen, your love is spilling everywhere, please stop continue :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! (I know it's one day late but whatever~)
May all of you have a great year ahead, and may it be fruitful, successful and enjoyable! To all those in Uni, Ganbatte for semester 2!!