half dead

May 10, 2010 23:45

I am dying T__T. 
Courseworks and deadlines are flooding in like crazy!

I have a biology report (which I only start data collection today) and a World Literature Plan due Friday.
a 600 word explaining and justification of our Extended Essay (4000 word research essay to be complete after summer) due next Monday 17th. Also, my World Literature Draft is expected to be in during this week. ALSO maths portfolio starts Monday.
Then by the end of the month, my final world literature essay, my final Geography Coursework, and (probably) maths portfolio are due.

I hope everything are less cram by the end of may.
but still. Summer is near (: [should avoid thinking about the work I have to complete over the summer xD]
jumping topics.

This amuse me so much (:







doing/staring at these kinda things heals me (:
(and dear smudgedrainbow I finally create a tag for them~)

high school = the best years of my life, ramblings of life, picspam because who needs a reason?, #v6 ♥ バカ家族 a weird family of dorks

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