Nov 04, 2012 14:35
I've jotted down part 1 of my world-creation steps. I now have a better idea of what kind of world the story will take place in. I am now stuck inbetween part 1 and 2. Rich (on his site works on class decisions in part 2. I will be doing things different from here, as I am not yet entirely clear on how society works in my world. If I want to decide what classes my world features, I will need to clarify how they can be part of society. It will be of no good if I decide to use a class when it has no use whatsoever in the end. So - while I do some research on classes in the 4th edition of D&D, I am letting my mind wonder on the whole world-society part.
What I've basicaly cut down to with that is, that I want to use a dualistic form. The sun and moon are important in this setting, as they define people. If you're born during the day (when the sun rules), you'll be a different person than you would be if you were born at night (when the moon rules). I am thinking about how entire societies work around the sun and moon. How does a Solar society work and how is it different from a Lunar society? Can they co-exist? Do they constantly fight for control over land? That's what I am struggling with. Anyone got any suggestions?