
Apr 17, 2012 15:09

I got a call from Jeff this morning saying that the Discovery fly-by was happening late this morning, and that it could be seen from National Harbor (on our side of the river). I was five minutes from taking the boys to school, so I told them to go to the bathroom before we left. Edward, astute as always, said, "where are we going? We never have to go to the bathroom before we go to school."

Earlier in the morning, the boys had been playing with their little matchbox sized jumbo jet and shuttle combo. I pulled it out of my purse as we drove past the school, and asked them how cool it was. Then I asked them how cool it would be to see in real life. Their answer? "AWESOME!"

So we did. They ran around on the beach at National Harbor with dozens of other kids, climbing around on the Awakening sculpture. The shuttle took two passes by us. As we walked back towards the car, Henry said, "When I launch the probe I want to build for Jupiter, you can be there to watch, Mom."

I believe he will, too.

First fly by, headed down river

Second time over, it snuck up on us over the hotel complex and right between us and the sun

And a shot from my other camera:

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