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Mar 04, 2010 23:43

No time to post pictures of the arming doublet, and I haven't made all that much progress to make it interesting. The upper sleeves are all sewn together, and the other night I cut and fit all of the innards, the padding pieces in there. That was tedious. Now, I'm debating on whether I sew the sleeve into a tube before I quilt or the other way around. The layers will shift once it's a tube, so that would make me want to sew before I quilt. But quilting and marking quilting will be a lot easier when it's still flat, so that would make me want to quilt first. At this moment, I'm leaning towards marking the lines, but not actually quilting it until I sew it into the tube.

I wish I was further along. I think I can get this done, but it'll be tight. I really wish I had time to make little fur-lined caps for the boys before Jamestown!

But, the last two days, I haven't been making progress on the doublet. Instead, I cut and am still in the process of putting together a boy G63 and four tunics. Two of the tunics are lightweight wool, and two are in a somewhat warmer flannel, as I'd like them to have the option of wearing layers. I went with rather higher class colors for them, so as to distinguish the "Peelings" (the Peel grandkids) as higher class. I wish I could do more with fur for them, like I did for 15th century last year, but the purfell doesn't tend to be as deep in this century. More research necessary.

The G63 and two of the tunics are completely assembled, and just need finishing work. The other two tunics have the neckline done, which is most of the work. The neckline is MUCH easier to finish completely when the garment is still flat, before it's been sewn together. So there was a little extra hand-sewing there.

Now, sleep.

la belle, arming cote, sewing

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