Eventually, I will do one more post, hopefully a sort of dress diary, with pics and explanation of the gown process. For now...
murieldechimay, please thank your apprentice for taking these with our camera! She got some good shots.
anabeig lacing my belt, just outside of court. It would have been nice to walk up fully dressed, but we just couldn't handle it.
Jeff was probably the most comfortable one all day, he got to hang out in his undies.
Pointing his doublet. I have to get a less-bulky belt.
I sewed him in, while "Master Marcel" arranged Jeff's pouffy sleeves. On the right,
thornbury looks on, himself looking resplendant.
Isn't he cute?
Me and my homies. The three M's,
tashadandelion (Marcele),
murieldechimay (Muriel), and me (Mathile) flash our gang signs. T has actually lived in South Philly, so what she has might be real. The other M is flashing an E, for East, and I've got Atlantia covered. We're so tough.
This could have been sexy were I not sticking out my tongue. Ok. Maybe not.
Muriel and I, flanking the dashing and mysterious Master Marcel.
Waiting. One or two items of business left.
I walked Jeff "up the aisle". We've never actually been up any aisles, as we'd eloped.
The only way to get Jeff to smile for the camera is to smack his butt.
Kneeling in court.
Me, in the gown, ready to speak and give my medallion. I cut the skirt fuller than I did on my last one, to make up for the wool being lightweight. Loved it.
pinkcountess speaking for Jeff.
Other people have shots from before, during, and after:
psalite's shots:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/56742182@N00/ belfebe's shots:
http://belfebe.smugmug.com/gallery/5411149_XV6XV#330937154_P8J4S reabhecc's shots: