So, I bought some new Eyeliner (MAC Fluidline in Waveline, AWESOME STUFF!), and I've been feeling kinda good about my looks, so I'm declaring Super Cam Whore Day. I'm just posting pics of me that I like. My assignment for you is to leave me a comment either showing a pic of yourself that you like, describing some physical attribute of yours that you like, or any type of comment that says "YAY for you," because this post is all about celebrating ourselves as unique, beautiful, wonderful people.
Favorite Headshot
Feeling My New Eyeliner
I just like this pic. ;)
Gel Eyeliner is the TRUTH!
Gotta give them some attitude. ;)
All right, I'm done being all about me. I now encourage you to use this space to be all about you. I love hearing people feeling good about themselves, so share that with me as I've shared with you.
Courtney ;)