lol this is all I use my livejournal for now a days.

Feb 11, 2008 22:13

It's only 'cause I'm never on anymore. :[



SHINJI! From Bleach. I love this show. The finished oekaki is on my deviantArt.

2008.2.7 Kita suggested that I draw a giraffe tormenting a puppy. I couldn't think of anything to draw, so...

Sketches/Doodles! (these are totally out of order btw)

Doodles on the sides of my Do Nows for English from last semester. If you read the little bits of writing you'll see that we read The Crucible, The Great Gatsby and Doctor Faustus.

We were supposed to design a super hero outfit for ourselves in portfolio. This is my rough draft. I like it infinitely better than the other one. My wedges actually look like wedges. What was hard was that he was making us draw nine heads tall, and that's a lot. I usually draw seven heads tall.

Here's the other one. I never finished it, but we were supposed to draw ourselves normal and then as super heroes. Yup.

Then we were to do the same thing to a teacher. I chose Mr. Lyons, my English teacher. If I finished this, he would have been in the same exact pose and he would be called APATHY MAN.

Expressions for portfolio. Lame. Yeah.

We had to draw ourselves nine different times in Drawing and painting and then choose one to put on a huge sheet of paper for the final piece. I chose the creepy one in the corner. I drew that one panel in on photoshop because I never finished it.

Doodled on a lab sheet in Chem last semester one morning after staying up like all night. I passed out soon after. I'm wearing my mom's comfy but shapeless sweater.

Liz's character Sutaru. I drew her a few weekends ago at Mandi's (and Liz's pretty much).

The expression tutorial that Liz asked me for a while ago. I'm tire of it, sorry. You guys can read it right. I'm putting it in my scraps on dA, too.

Page two. Micah's hair is kinda floppy all through this.

We're doing a group comic in portfolio. I had to do some story boards so I made it my purpose in life to make them as retarded as possible.

My favorite page. lol. Look at Jesus. What a loser.

I did this last Friday I think. It's me and some sixties girl and the Beatles are RIGHT THERE. Here, I'm referring to Kita and my travels back in time and that seeing them doesn't freak us out because we hang out with them everyday anyway. Why do I have sunglasses on my head? I don't know. I look like a tourist.

Drawn on the back of a script for way in the future of SPLIT. I wasn't in a good mood (pen drawing) and then I thought of a cheeky line about the introduction of Cobe, so I wrote it and doodled him a bit. I'm still trying to get him to look right.

Boredom struck in Algebra.


Nov 11: drawing I did for Our on dA. The finished product is on dA.
Nov. 26: The haircut. Vada wants to be a hairdresser, but I don't think Micah trusts her; an FSc inspired doodle; Aaron at 2 in the morning. I liked the pose; and BOB AND GARY ALL HUMANIZED! omg.

Nov 26: You don't need to see what's up there. The writing is quotes from Good Omens. A doodle of Mic and Ad being cute and Vada with a wig.

Dec 10: Aziraphale and Crowley. Oh and Ringo for inking practice.
Dec 24: A nice Christmas Eve treat: Micah's mom in lingerie. I haven't really developed anything yet, but when angels die, they get an 'x' mark on their foreheads and a halo.

Dec 28: Uhhhh ignore that hideous Jun in the corner there. Pay attention to Bob and Gary being GAAAAY. Gary's a chubchub.
Jan 17: Adrian and Micah doodles. Practice poses. Only one was referenced (top left corner).

Jan 17 cont: Gary coaxing a kiss from Bob.
Jan 18: Mr. Prosser from Hitchhiker's! This is what I imagined what he'd look like when I read the book; Gary's trying to get Bob to do something. Bob's not having ANY of it; SWEENEY!; Fucking Paul. I have a Yellow Submarine calendar and I got inspired.

Jan 18: John, Ringo, and George in their Yellow Submarine Garb. Dribble indeed.

Jan 22: Experiment FAILED. I don't even know how to explain this.

Feb 1: Vada has a huge crush on Adrian and Adrian really likes doing girly things (cooking, sewing, that kind of wuss shit. what a fag.)
Feb 2: I wanted to draw the girl version of Futrecia High's outfit; then in art Kita and I were talking about how Remus/chocolate was the obvious ship and that all problems were fixed with chocolate. Harry thinks otherwise. (Harry's dialogue provided by the keet.)

Feb 4: Ezekiel because I never draw HIM anymore. Yes. Him; plans for the chapter two preview page of Split.

Feb 10: Kita's characters Oliver and Lucky from a fuck long time ago. I found an old unfinished drawing of them and decided to draw them; Vada's friend Corin Arani. She belongs to an extinct race called the Suna. They're distinguished by their dark skin and hair and bright blue eyes. They were an indigenous race in Nia. She's not full Suna, but still holds some attributes. Her skin isn't as dark as the original, but it's darker than a Caucasian human's. More into her later; Lastly, Kosame's winter clothes. They're neat, huh? Yeah. I love them.

Oh, by the way, if any of you are interested, I'm posting SPLIT starting on Valentine's day and updating with a new page every Thursday after that. Yay! SPLIT's finally coming to you all in comic form. HOW EXCITING IS THAT?!

art dump

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