TITLE : I Knew I Loved You
Chapter : 6: Fairytale
Rating : PG
Parings : Cedric/Hermione
Disclaimer : The Harry Potter series and everything related to it is copyrighted to JK Rowling, Warner Bros.,Bloomsbury and their associates. No profits are made through the creation of this story. Thanks.
Author's Notes: I'm really, really sorry if this came several months late. It's my first year of UNI so I wanted to make things right and do the best I could. Hope you all enjoy.
"Look, Granger, like in the muggle world, there are certain individuals that try to make life absolutely impossible. The best thing to do with situations like this is to ignore them. What they called you is only a word. It may hurt, but remember that you are above that. You're better than they are. Much better."
"Thank you." His words comforted her. "That meant a lot, coming from you."
"Anytime Hermione. I'll always be here for you." His words, although she didn't realise it, was a part of his vow to himself.
Like every little girl, Hermione had been enchanted by the beauty and magic portrayed by the characters in the stories that her father had read to her. There had been stories about mermaids, kings, pirates, sunken treasure and fairies, of course. Every moment prior to bedtime seemed like a dream- heightened by the dimmed lighting and her father's soothing voice. She particularly loved tales of princesses- something that her friends would find fairly inane and quite impossible to believe. Despite her blatant dislike of damsels-in-distress, she always marvelled at how the knights or princes would gallantly save them.
Like most parents, Hermione's father would often instill attributes of his daughter into the stories that he told her. Wishes for the future were often incorporated, together with dreams of how he wanted his daughter to become. Subversive as it may seem, it comforted both the parent and the child. More often than not, a sense that the little princess was growing up to be more than what was desired strengthened the parent's resolve to be better and improved the bond with the child.
However, Hermione was more extraordinary than the "normal" daughter. Her father sensed this from the beginning. Although he knew that he was more than grateful to be the parent of such a perfect young woman, he was quite apprehensive of the future- despite his knowledge that his daughter would certainly grow up to be a strong woman.
But, as he looked at the peaceful image of his sleeping daughter, with her unruly curls resting on her cloud-like pillow, his fears seemed inconsequential and quite unnecessary.
Little did he know, that years later, his daughter would encounter a fairytale of her very own. A fairytale that was just as sinister as the one that he told her often. Sinister as the reality was, it seemed that one aspect of children's stories would also be a constant in Hermione's own.
Besides, was it not the handsome prince who would save the day?
Although he was just in his fourth year, Cedric was beginning to strike a chord in the hearts of many students of the opposite gender. He was not only gifted with devilishly good looks...
... Well, there's no point in stating the obvious, is there? The constant description of the charm of this gentleman would be quite redundant. Let's just say that he was someone who possessed attributes that put your conventional Prince Charming to shame. But his heart had already been captured by an astute young woman who was two years younger than him, with more wit and wayward curls than most people at Hogwarts.
As a fourth year student, he and his peers were already preparing for the OWLS exams that they were to take the following year. It would not do them any favors to slack on the job- especially since Snape, McGonagall and Sinistra were already putting pressure on them to excel. Like a dedicated student, he did his schoolwork with as much grace and ease as he could manage. He tried not to whine as much, since it wasn't attractive. He did not really enjoy doing the schoolwork as much, since it prevented him from speaking with her from time to time. From what he could recall, he had only spoken a couple of words to her since the eventful clash with Malfoy Jr. Which was a shame.
He sighed. There was that, and the pathetic attempts of his schoolmates in making Professor Dumbledore's dream of improved Interhouse relationships a reality. Really, Lockhart's Duelling Club did not help much- rather, it assisted in the destruction of the stability of the houses. Oh- and he did not forget the reputation of Harry Potter, which was beginning to be shrouded by rumours that he was the so-called Heir of Slytherin. Cedric wrinkled his nose at the thought. It was insane.
So what if he could speak in Parselmouth? Finch-Fletchley, one of the second-years in his House was making such a big deal out of it, which was quite inane. There was something lacking in that logic, as Potter was in Gryffindor. Did his own father not tell him that the Potters, one of the oldest families in the Wizarding World apparently descended from Godric Gryffindor at some point?
He shook his head. He was spending more time worrying about matters that were so trivial instead of going to the library and stalking Hermione. Well, not stalking per se, but maybe catching up with her and getting assistance, since she probably knew half the contents of the library by now- if her reputation as a bibliophile was correct. He had just been about to move to the library when he heard someone call out:
At first he cocked his head in surprise. Surely Hermione might not have caught onto his thought patterns. But, he realised that it may just be someone else.
Familiar almond eyes twinkled at him, as though they guessed what he was thinking. He gave her a smile and escorted her out of the Common Room, to the envy of many girls who had been sitting on the comfortable armchairs to be able to watch him.
"Cho, it's been a while since you paid me a visit."
She grinned. "Who knew that you could be such a diligent student? You should've been sorted in Ravenclaw."
"I should've," he told her with a dramatic sigh before she pulled him in the direction of the heavy Oak doors that led to the grounds.
"The fresh air outside would do you some good before I tell you something that I heard from a couple of girls from my House."
When they reached the Great Lake, and settled themselves beneath the shade of a tree, Cho's expression changed. From slightly playful to quite serious.
"Cho, what's going on?"
Sad eyes looked at him. "Did you not hear about this from the second-years in Hufflepuff?"
The shake of his head was her only response. Partnered with confusion, this made for a very difficult conversation. But he needed to know. It was only fair and right.
"Cedric, you have to listen to me and be rational about this. Don't be rash."
"Out with it Cho. We haven't got all day."
Cho sighed. How she hated being the bearer of bad news.
"You know how there have been news of victims being Petrified? Well, first there was Mrs. Norris."
Cedric nodded and continued for her. "Then there was Sir Nick, the Gryffindor ghost. As well as that girl in your year. Penelope Clearwater, right?"
"Yes. Anyway, Padma Patil, one of the second years has a twin sister in Gryffindor who said..."
His eyes narrowed. "What are you trying to tell me?"
"Look, I hated to be the one to tell you. But..."
His eyes widened. "Shit! It's Hermione, right?"
Cho nodded and made sure that he did not do anything rash. Someone still needed to be the voice of reason.
"I know that this is the second time she's been in the Hospital Wing this year and that this is more serious than her mysterious first visit. But, you won't do anyone any good if you just barge in there."
Cedric calmed down a little. "I'm worried about her, Cho."
"I know you are. As much as you love her, you just have to be strong for her."
Cho gave him a playful glare. "If you're like this now, I can't imagine how you'll be when she gives birth to your first child." She laughed as she watched him turn pale, then blush a fiery red that rivalled the famous Weasley hair.
With a chuckle, and an "Am I going to be the little one's godmother?", Cho became the recipient of a glare from the Hufflepuff.
Contemplating a bit, Cedric tried to control his own chuckles as he said, "Maybe. If you're good."
Back in the comfort and safety of his room, Cedric was plagued by his thoughts.
'Cho is an idiot. First child? Heck... I'm the one in love with Hermione and yet, she's the one who thinks about these things. Would be lovely if it happened. I would give anything for it to happen.'Images of the future sprung to mind. Images of her. Some of the thoughts that he had frightened him. Some made him blush. And yet, in the midst of it all, he contemplated on when he should see her. He needed to be there and see it for himself... and maybe, find a way to remove her afflictions.
It took him a couple of days to psyche himself up. A small, cynical part of him was afraid of rejection... But, did Petrified people even have thoughts? Dreams? Or were they just a shell? He wasn't sure, but he still wanted to be able to make an impression. Madam Pomphrey, when he came, was asleep. She had been working twice as hard together with Professors Sprout and Snape in developing the cure for this affliction.
Cedric thanked his lucky stars that his boyish affection would not be seen by anyone, aside from his intended. He looked at her- cold, pale and literally quite stiff. He stroked her soft hair, a wistful smile on his face. She reminded him of the children's story that he had read for homework for Muggle Studies. Sleeping Beauty, it had been called. How ironic was it that his one true love had been deemed for slumber. Not eternal, like the Princess, but deep slumber nevertheless. He wondered. Could he be her prince and wake her up?
Carpe Diem... Sieze the day. Out of the blue, this thought sprung into Cedric's mind. He shrugged to himself. What had he to lose? He looked longingly at the girl in front of him. Tempted.
And lowered his lips to hers in a gentle kiss.
No one had recorded experiences from being petrified, but it was pretty similar to being in a coma. Although Hermione had been in a thoughtless, emotionless shell, with no recollection of the Chamber of Secrets and the adventures of her two best friends, she remembered something. A fairytale, with the prince waking up his princess and living happily ever after. It had been the last story that her father had read to her.
It became reality in her own story once her soulmate had rested his lips on hers. A gentle caress and display of love and affection.
Although her awakening had not occurred at the moment of Cedric's kiss, the story played out like the fairytale it resembled, for two hearts became more intricately connected at the moment the fine line between fantasy and reality had collapsed.
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