Evan Rachel Wood is reuniting with director Catherine Hardwicke for an erotic thriller set in the turbulent world of Los Angeles' rock-and-roll community, TheWrap has confirmed.
Although the script to "Plush," which Hardwicke and Artie Nelson wrote, is under wraps, the movie is said to be a 21st century "Fatal Attraction."
The movie will be Hardwicke and Wood's first collaboration since their 2003 "Thirteen."
IM Global is selling the project at the European Film Market in Berlin. CAA is handling U.S. rights.
Since working together on "Thirteen," Hardwicke has directed "Lords of Dogtown," "Twilight" and "Red Riding Hood." Wood (right) has gone on to star in the television series "True Blood" and the movies "Running With Scissors" and "The Wrestler," among others.
The Hollywood Reporter first reported the news