Dr Charlene Werner at the "Healing the Eye and Wellness Seminar" explains homeopathy

Apr 10, 2008 15:23

A transcript of Dr Charlene Werner at the "Healing the Eye and Wellness Seminar", Bozeman, MT, USA, on August 18 2007, as seen here on YouTube and found via this Bad Science article.

Well thank you so much. I'm going to explain to you exactly actually how it [homeopathy] works.

Now, has everybody had chemistry, like, in school -- way back when? But you do know what H2O is? And have all of you heard of Einstein? Well, you know that light is energy, right? And he gave us the theory that energy equals mass times the speed of light. E equals M C squared. Now, if you take that formula, and, we think there's a lot of mass, right? OK, if you collapsed all the mass down into the universe, so there's no space between the mass, do you know how much mass there is in the entire universe? You think you're a lot of mass right? Well, the whole universal mass can be consolidated down into the size of a bowling ball. That's all there is in the whole world, and the universe! So how much mass are you? That's right -- an infinitesimal amount. So if you take that formula -- E equals M C squared -- you can almost cross out mass! The formula ends up being energy equals the speed of light. And that's why the vision system is so important [gesturing at her own eyes] because we have lots of photoreceptors that receive light.

But when Haneman [Einstein?] died, the scientists didn't fall in his camp, and the pieces of the puzzle didn't fit well together. So God in his infinite wisdom sent another Einstein called Stephen Hawkings[sic]. And Stephen Hawkings gave us the string theory. And what he discovered is that there are other energetic particles in the universe, and they're shaped like little youees [U-shaped?] and what they do is they work by vibration. So our body is so wonderfully designed, we have light receivers, and ears, string -- vibratory -- they pick up vibration. So if you add that to that theory -- Einstein's theory of relativity -- we have E equals M C squared (but mass is crossed out, almost) and strings -- vibration.

But that still doesn't tell us the whole picture, because, what is a cell? A cell has cell walls, cell membranes, cytoplasm. Is that mass? Not very much really, so what is that? You can break down the cells into tiny pieces of energy called electrons, protons, neutrons. So the whole body has an infinitesimal amount of mass, but what is the remainder? Energy. So I am energy, you are energy. Now, if you go to study physics, energy cannot be created: we do not know how to create energy. But we don't know how to destroy it either -- that is not humanly possible. So what we do is take energy and we transform it from one state to another. That's all we do. So if that's all we do, guess what the definition of disease is. It's not mass. We have transformed our energy state into something different. That's what the definition of disease is. So we should be able to re-transform our energy into a previous better state. Right? And, what we do is we use light, we can use sound, we can use homeopathy.

So what is homeopathy? Well, if nothing is really mass (or an infinitesimal amount of it) and everything is energy, that means everything has a vibration to it. So what if I could, encase some sort of energy for later use? So if I wanted to make a bomb, and I took all these chemicals, and I encased it in a, you know, a bomb, and tonight, my neighbour lets his dog poop in my yard, literally, and and I'm mad at that dog and my neighbour. So I'm going to take this bomb and get back at him. So what if I threw that bomb at his house. Would he be happy with me? Because what happens now when that energy is released? It destroys something, or changes it. It makes the building now not in structure form. It changes its energetic state. Well that's what we do with homeopathy. We take substances, and we pulverise them, we and we put them in solution, and we surcuss[sp?] it just like the bomb, to release its energy into this liquid. Then we take these little white pellets, and sprinkle them with that solution. Then guess what we have just made. An energetic substance -- to be used when we choose to use it.

So, how homeopathy works is, whatever your disease process is, it's an energetic change, and if I can find the remedy that matches your state and give it to you when we so choose, what can we do with your energy system? Transform it to a previous better state. And that's how it works.

I have a couple of stories too! So, every single one of us vibrates with a certain vibration. We either vibrate with a plant, a mineral, or an animal. The way we talk, the way we interact with people, is that's how we are! So I had a patient that came in and he was like, I have a squeaky knee like a hinge. It squeaks. And he has some sort of insulin-resistant, kinda going towards diabetes state, and he said "can you help me?" And I said "I don't know" so we took his case, and he said "You know, I would like to think that I am a man of my word. And that's how I want people to treat me -- I want them to be a man of their word." Well, if you research in the homeopathic remedies, there is a remedy called "kali carbonica", and do you know what those people are? I am a man of my word. So I gave him, in 30C, actually we started with 30C and, well, there's controversy but I like low remedies in physical symptoms, and then you go up for mental symptoms. So we gave him a 30C, and four weeks later he was "I'm fine!" He stopped his sugar cravings. His squeaky knee went away. And that's been almost a year on that one tiny little pellet. And that's how -- it's so miraculous, it's so exciting! Anyway, thank you very much.

humour, philosophy, science

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