Author: CharchuseGigi87
Title: A Miracle Baby 2/?
Fandom: LotRiPS
Pairing: Dom/Lij
Rating: NC-17
Wow. I can't believe I finished this so fast. I am really inspired on this fic. Anyway, this is NC-17 slash so please don't read if you are offended or if you are underage. Haha, even though I'm underage, too. But I have to say that. :) Thanks for the reviews on chapter one. Please R&R!!
The next day Dom and Lij sat down to discuss how this new baby would affect their life. "Dom," Lij said, "I love acting, but I think I will have to give it up for a while. This is our baby and he comes first."
Dom looked surprised. "He?" Dom asked. "Do you know it will be a boy?"
"Yes, I'm sure of it. I can feel him inside me already. He will be the fruit of our love, Dom. He will be strong and beautiful, just like you!" Lij was so happy, his face was shining with a halo of joy.
"Oh Lij," Dom said and he leaned over and hugged Lij and kissed him deeply.
Their kiss was so passionate. They kissed for hours, their tongues mating together in the moist warmth of their mouths. Dom's hands travelled over Lij's fragile body. When he touched Lij's stomach, he thought he could feel the baby growing inside.
"Oh Lij," he said again. "I love you and our baby so much."
He bent and kissed Lij's stomach softly over and over. Lij just smiled happily because he knew that Dom loved him.
"I want to make love to you, Lij," Dom said.
"Me, too," Lij said. "Please make love to me."
"I'm worried about the baby, though," Dom said with a frown. He didn't want to hurt the new life growing inside his life partner. The thought of hurting their baby was enough to bring tears to his eyes.
"Why are you crying?" Asked Lij. "Don't worry. I know the baby will be safe."
"Are you sure?" Dom asked. He was feeling hesitant about making love to Lij, even though he wanted to very much.
"Yes, I am so sure, Dom. I know this is right. I know our love is right." Lij was smiling and Dom thought his lover looked just like an angel sent from heaven. He felt like he could die of happiness.
'I'd better not die of happiness, though!' He thought. 'Then I would miss the birth of our beautiful and special son.'
Dom laughed to himself and smiled. Of course he wouldn't really die. But he felt so happy and content with his lover.
"Okay let's go to the bedroom then," Dom said. "I want this to be special. I will light candles around the bed and play our favorite song."
Lij just smiled. He went to the bedroom and took off his jeans and t-shirt and lay down on the bed waiting for his lover. Soon he heard the soft sound of their song playing. It was Celine Dion's 'My Heart Will Go On' and it sounded like the most beautiful music Lij had ever heard.
Then Dom came in with the candles. He put one on the nightstand and another on the dresser and one of the desk. Then he turned off the lights and the room was just illuminated with the soft light of the candles.
"Oh, this is so romantic," Lij said with a smile.
"Only the best for my lover," Dom said to him. Dom took off his jeans and t-shirt, too, and then they were both just wearing their boxers.
Dom looked at Lij on the bed, so frail and unearthly in the light of the candles. 'How can he survive these months ahead of him?' Dom worried. 'He was not made for this kind of pain.'
But then Dom put those thoughts out of his head and kneeled down on the bed with his life partner. Lij reached out timidly and pulled down Dom's boxers. He could see Dom was already ready for him. He leaned back on the pillow and pulled Dom on top of him. He could feel Dom's manliness pressing into his stomach.
"I love you," Dom whispered to Lij. Then he smiled and kissed him. He pulled off his own boxers and Lij's boxers and now they were both naked together.
"Oh Lij you are so beautiful." Dom carefully spread Lij's legs and lay on top of him. Lij was ready for him and Dom slid inside. Lij was so tight and hot that Dom just moaned.
There were tears in Lij's eyes, glistening wetly in the dark. His wide aquamarine eyes shone brightly in the candlelight. Dom felt so good inside him that soon Lij was having an orgasm. His warm come spilled across his white soft skin.
In the same instant that Lij came, Dom came too. His hot semen shot into Lij's body filling him with warmth. Dom cried out loudy. "Oh Lij!"
"I love you," Lij said. "Dom, you are the most tender lover in the world."
They lay in bed and cuddled with each other until they fell asleep. During the night Lij and Dom both had dreams of a baby boy with wide cornflower blue eyes just like Lij.
To Be Continued! Please R&R!