girls love it when

Jul 23, 2005 09:11

this is a random entry about what girls love. cuz i was board.

its this list that i found on someones lj, one of my sisters friends i thing, and ur supposed to add one in somewhere. but not at the end cuz then everyone knows which one u added. so add to this in a comment. then post it in ur lj. and dont be afarid to add more then one lol:-)

but when u post the list in ur lj, dont forget to delete the ones u dont like. for example i deleted the one that says "give her choclate" :-)

Girls love it when:
  • U tell her she is beautful constantly. but dont just tell her, convince her.
  • ur not afarid to hold her hand in front of your friends
  • u give her gifts for no reason, and make up a crazy reason that would make her laugh. (ex- "i bought u this because today is "best girlfriend in the world day"__ or something odd like that)
  • u kiss her forehead, or her hair
  • you let her burry her head in ur chest when shes tired
  • when she lays her head on ur sholder, you dont move or protest u lay ur head on top of hers
  • u say u love her to her face
  • you tell her shes right, even if ur sure shes wrong.
  • when people ask u who she is, you introduce her as ur girlfriend
  • pick her up
  • cover her eyes and ask her to guess who it is
  • when she is sad hold her untill she feels better
  • play with her hair
  • wrestel with her
  • tickle her 
  • look into her eyes and dont blink 
  • when she falls down, before u pick her up, sit on the ground next to her and just look into her eyes
  • try different foods with her, and then talk about the taste
  • bring her flowers
  • push her on a swing
  • kiss her in the rain
  • kiss her in public and dont be afarid of what others say
  • pick her over all the other girls you talk to
  • tell her everything, even if there are things that she would be better off not knowing
  • take her places with ur family
  • cover her mouth, with ur finger, ur whole hand, or ur lips
  • leave her notes in her locker, or in her purse. that just say "i love u"
  • attempt to be a gentlemen and open her doors and pull out her chair
  • when there is finger food, feed it to her
  • put her in ur away messages
  • enjoy the times that no one is talking and you are both just sitting in silence. embrace silence.
  • you dont always pretend to be mr cool guy, ask for help from her, she'll be glad to assist.
  • you kiss her hand when u are alone together
  • u find ways to be alone together
  • u make plans and then suprise her with them
  • you have discussions that make both of u think till ur heads hurt
  • you tell her what bothers you
  • dont let her catch u staring at other girls, most of us are insecure to begin with
  • become not only her boyfriend, but her best firend.
  • give her a little space to breath, she does need other friends.
  • put ur arm around her waist
  • walk up behind her and tickle her 
  • kiss her hello, and kiss her good bie. be it on the cheek or be it on the lips... do it all the same.
  • run while ur holding her hand, and dont let go
  • poke her nose if shes smiling at u
  • put both of ur hands on her face
  • if u miss something she says, ask her to repeat it... dont just smile and nod.
  • explain things to her that she wouldnt understand, in a way that she would
  • never say "u look so beautful tonight" because the first thing that pops into our head is "great so i usually dont look beautful, but right now i do!" just take off the tonight and ur golden. 
  • tell her everything is going to be ok
  • u remember things that she tells you, even if they were a long time ago. thats right guys u actually have to pay attention to the sounds that come out of our mouths when we talk.
  • tuck her hair behind her ears if it sticks out.
  • when shes sick go to her house and bring her flowers
  • and so the list continues.... plz add gurls!!

memorise this list, and use it fellas!  
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