January challenge- Aphrodite

Jan 25, 2009 20:46

Title: The Ascension of Jade
Author: akasakasan 
Character: Original female character- Jade
Rating: M- nothing too bad
Warnings: None
Summary: A fairy tale of sorts about a young girl named Jade and her path of corruption.
Fandom: My own little universe
Award choices: C- Female

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Jade. Jade lived a carefree, happy life- after all she was a very young girl and did not understand the meaning of sorrow. Jade lived with her mother, who had once told Jade that she was a queen, which Jade believed, because all little girls believe their mothers. Jade lived with her mother and her father, who was not a king- Jade knew this because she had asked- in a small home in a big city. Despite not living in a castle Jade was happy, for every day bore a new adventure. Jade was certain that she was the happiest little girl in the world.

One day, when the sun had not yet risen and all good children were snuggled up in bed dreaming of flowers, fairies and pixies, Jade was awaken by loud sobbing. Her inquisitive nature made her brave the cold wooden floorboards as she crept on tippy toes to her parents’ bedroom, from where the sound was coming from. Jade knew something was wrong when her father did not even scold her for being awake at such an ungodly hour and for not wearing slippers because the floor was chilly and she would certainly develop a cold. Instead her father clutched her to his chest and wept and Jade was scared because she had never seen her father cry before. But her mother wasn’t in the room to comfort him and Jade quietly wondered where her mother was as she held her father like her mother held her when she fell over and scraped her knee and cried.

The day of her mother’s funeral was wet and windy.  Jade knew her mother had lied to her because the funeral was not fitting for a queen. Jade stood and watched the casket, in which her mother was lying in, lowered into the ground and something inside her turned to ice. The world seemed grey and dull, angry and frightening as Jade realised she was no longer a little girl.

Jade’s father did not remarry and as she grew up she watched her father wither away in despair. His method of pain management was liquid and smelt funny to Jade, who watched as her father grew bitter and angry and unlike the father he had once been. He was always annoyed and he was never home and Jade grew up unlike the princess she had once thought she was. She realised the power of her body at a tender young age when she noticed that she could use it to get people to do what she wanted. She looked in the mirror every morning and realised that she was beautiful and that made her feel powerful and happy. Men of all ages would stare at her- at her long legs that she accentuated with miniskirts and high heels, at her tight tops that clung to her body like a second skin and at her well endowed cleavage which had developed at a young age.

Her first boyfriend was older than her by a substantial amount and she was the envy of all her friends. He was tall and handsome and ridiculously annoying, but he taught her the ways of the world, for which she was grateful. She left him after a few weeks, more certain of herself and finally understanding just how valuable of a weapon her looks were. Her first boyfriend had been the one to relieve her of her virginity and she discovered sex to be another tool to her advantage. She was good at it, she enjoyed it and whilst naked men seemed pliable to her every command. She went from man to man, occasionally dating them and then breaking their hearts because it amused her. Her promiscuity would continue throughout her life.

On a warm summer’s day, Jade awoke on the floor of her apartment, topless and with an empty whisky bottle next to her head, to a realisation. Jade was, understandably, bored with her petty existence and felt that a job would break her out of the monotony of each passing day. Jade was soon the proud owner of a diploma which heralded her career as a psychologist, having discovered early on in life that listening to other’s problems amused her. Jade soon found enjoyment in her work, immersing herself in telling dull fools how to settle their own insignificant problems.  After fucking several of the less neurotic patients Jade discovered another form of enjoyment- tormenting several of the weaker minded patients into carrying out her bidding, usually merely having to suggest her idea to a patient before her will would be fulfilled. It began with telling Isaac, the bald 45 year old janitor who came to her office twice a week and twitched and wrung his hands throughout their conversations, that the idea he had been entertaining for several weeks- the decapitation of her neighbours cat- was a perfectly legitimate form of self expression that she recommended he undertake. A week later Isaac returned to her office, grinning and thanking her for her excellent suggestion. Much to Jade’s amusement she was even privy to the photo’s which he had taken of the deed. These tasks ranged in absurdity and complexity, until she quit her job a few years later.

Jade occasionally acknowledged that she was lonely and one night she began dating again. Most of her dates bored her and were nothing more than one night stands, however in every story, even in Jade’s, there must be a prince and eventually Jade found hers. Tyler was short and rather chubby and did not resemble a prince at all. He had self-esteem issues, spent his childhood expressing his emotions with food and did not believe in exercise. In comparison to her ethereal beauty he was plain and hideous- a commoner, whereas she was a princess. However he would never leave her, never be unfaithful despite her infidelities, for he depended on her and they both knew it.

It was a cloudy day in November and there was a sense of impending doom that was lurking on the horizon. Her 30th birthday was fast approaching and Jade felt uglier by the day. Despite Tyler’s reassurance that she was and always would be beautiful, Jade felt desolate and depressed and out of control. A week before Jade turned 30 she exercised all her charm on Tyler- screaming, crying and flaunting herself for all it was worth until out of desperation he agreed. They were to have a happily ever after somewhere faraway. Lacking in funds to create this new beginning, Tyler was cajoled into action- robbing several shops at gunpoint in order to please Jade, who took the money with gratitude and anonymously tipped the police as to his whereabouts as she was getting on a plane.

Jade spent her 30th birthday flying in first class to the Caribbean where she could be anyone she desired, where she could start afresh and be young and beautiful forever. A happy moment, for however long it would last, because someone like her could not live happily ever after.


type: aphrodite

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