dancing spine

Jul 03, 2006 19:47

i'm sure everybody's familiar with the way i throw myself around, specifically the way i just kind of fall into seats - right? ok, good. i managed to score a booth table at this month's Rocky, and i was thinking 'huzzah, nice cushy seats with backs.' fortunately i was sitting on top of some kind of partition, so for reference think of smacking your ass down on a beam of wood on it's side. i'm sure you're saying 'well why didn't you sit down differently?' i did. it just so happens that every time i sat down i hit the thing in a different way.. it has to be some kind of superphysics that allows what feels like a 1.5" beam to cover a square foot of space. the best part was when Strange (was at the table beside my friends and i), who must have been tired of my agonized groans, said 'you know, you do that every time you sit down. you'd think someone with as little body fat as me would realize they have no padding.' oh, i know - kind of hard to miss, really. it just doesn't occur to me to be more gentle with myself.
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