its vengay: why is the human race so shalllow
HodgezMom: omg that is the question i am asking myself right now
HodgezMom: some things i just dont understand
its vengay: i was reading this bulletin on myspace and it just made me laugh
HodgezMom: myspace is a joke, if that is representative of our future we are so screwed lol
its vengay: id like you to read this pardon the language ive used
its vengay wants to directly connect.
HodgezMom: h/o i gotta take down myu firewall for a second
HodgezMom is now directly connected.
its vengay: You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.
You call me "Cracker", "Honkey", "Whitey" and even "The Man" and you think it's OK.
But when I call you, "Nigger", "Kike", "Towelhead", "Sand-Nigger", "Camel Jockey", "Beaner" or "Chink" you call me a racist.
You say that you want to make a change in this country.
How? By protesting everything that we believe in? By trying to change everything that has made this country run fine for centuries?
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah
You have Cinco de Mayo
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
You have BET.
If we had WET(white entertainment television) we'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day you would call us racists.
If we had white history month, we'd be racists.
In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights.
If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us the KKK.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
You call each other "niggas", but when we call you that, you call us racists.
You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us.
But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.
When was the last time you saw Jessie Jackson involved with anything to do with a white people.
We work hard to perserve our history.
You come along and try to re-write it.
We want a safe environment for our families and children.
You want to bring the ghetto to our neighborhoods.
I am white.
I am proud.
I am an American.
But, you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists?
Don't do reverse discrimination, take your own advice.
so i read this thing and laughed
everyone hates each other
everyone has prejudice
dont post this thing acting like you care about everybody
when hands downim sure you have made some comment about a race or culture you hate for a reason taht you yourself can probably not back up. If you want to rpresent you race with pride go head scream "white power" "boricua"" "sould power" "viva la raza"
lets make shirts and banners.
we can all point out what is wrong with every race
steryotypes we build on some slight foundation of truth and some apply to everything
jews are greedy
gangsta blacks are that steal and smoke weed
african blacks are educationless worthless AID riden starving peolple
pakistani. iraqi's. indians are all towel wearing terrorist
columbians are drug lords
mexicans.. do we even need to say
i mean lets not exagerate if on of you out there replyto me saying that you never EVER have said a rude offending comment about a race.
psychologist Sigmund Freuid said that dreams and jokes reveals underlining meaning
thinking about that next time you make a remark racial or not and say jk cus you can feel the hurt on someones face
its exactly what happened at our school
instead of school unity we had class individuality
fuck im done with this place
people in general make me sick
and the worse part no better than any of you
HodgezMom: wow
its vengay: i went on a bit of an angry writer phase but it seriously makes me sick to be bpart of such a society
its vengay: no one likes to share and it seems no one really cares
HodgezMom: well all u can do is represent yourself in such a way that people you come in contact see who you are
HodgezMom: thats how u change peoples thoughts one person at a time
its vengay: i cant take myself out of this ill admit to my faults but people fighting over such bitter things with all the emense disasters and life altering things
its vengay: yes i suppose so
HodgezMom: words mean nothing , actions mean everything
its vengay: yeah
HodgezMom: and yes most people are totally self absorbed and if it didnt happen to them or their family then its not their problem.....
its vengay: so i can right that but i cnat seem to get down to writing college essays
HodgezMom: maybe thats not fair there are many wonderful caring people out there, but they are too busy caring for others and their families to have time to write crap and stir stuff up
HodgezMom: perhaps ur college essays need to be on a subject that fires u up lol
HodgezMom: u know idle hands.....and all that
its vengay: haha
HodgezMom: our society is too spoiled that is the biggest problem, we want for nothing so we lack compassion (perhaps out of ignorance, not hatred) for those that have so much less
its vengay: when im fired.creative. or in a writers mode "college appropriate" things dont seem to pop out
HodgezMom: haha
its vengay: its true collegic standards are too uptight i think with a good point and focus a bit "vulgure" but not excessive language suffices to bringout what needs to be said
HodgezMom: perhaps, but you can choose very strong words that are not offensive if you try
HodgezMom: because in life you have to learn to do that
its vengay: its true
HodgezMom: in business, professional situations,etc, that is not appropriate no matter how strongly you feel about something
HodgezMom: it is perceived as a lack of education
its vengay: yeah its understanable you need a stronger and broader vocabulary
HodgezMom: as much as i enjoy the internet and aim of course, i think it has created a very unfortunate situation where people say things they would never say to someones face as well as created an inabillity to communicate face to face
its vengay: what ive always wondered is what made "bad words" bad words
HodgezMom: subjects that have always been taboo
its vengay: what if i started using crayon as a bad word
its vengay: i think thats my new project see how fast it takes to catch on
HodgezMom: but see a crayon is not a bad word, but lets just take the f word, that began as a derogatory sexual term
its vengay: you knwo high school you do something long enough someone is bound to catch on and imitate
HodgezMom: true
its vengay: mrs/ hodges if i were to start saying "HEY CRAYON YOU!" in heated situations
its vengay: people would realize the connotation behind it
HodgezMom: or erase u
its vengay: erase i like that
its vengay: my friend eric started doing that
HodgezMom: eric who?
its vengay: he started saying black for evey curse word now its just part of his vocab
its vengay: eric edwards haha
HodgezMom: dont know him
its vengay: and ive learned to pick it up
HodgezMom: thats funny
HodgezMom: although if u change the word, does the intent remain the same therefore you are really accomplishing nothing except to keep others from being temporarily offended?
its vengay: but thats what im saying if i can make maroon a bad word can i make a bad word a good word
HodgezMom: this is one deep conversation? eh?
its vengay: its way too hypothetical its making my head spin
HodgezMom: no i dont think u can go backwards once a word has been established as a bad word
its vengay: its like i always thought when i was a kid
its vengay: what if numerical order was really instead of
its vengay: i always wonderd if i went back in time and changed that is that how the world would be
its vengay: where 81 is smaller than 11
HodgezMom: well that is just giving a different word name to the value
HodgezMom: or symbol
its vengay: yeah basically isnt taht waht the f word is jsut giving a name to a bad value
HodgezMom: yes that is true
HodgezMom: but in older cultures women and elderly people were respected and therfore words like that wer in the bars or lockerrooms or the coliseum or wherever not in public use
HodgezMom: now every other girl speaks like that
its vengay: ehh respect is a word that has lost all of its value to people now-a-days
its vengay: i dont think a single person knows what it means anymore
HodgezMom: amen brother
its vengay: the other word i hate thats worse to me then any derogatory term is "deserve"
its vengay: makes me cringe
HodgezMom: yep
HodgezMom: did u see the great quote on my profile from john wooden?
its vengay: no im sorry to say i havnt
HodgezMom: hang on
its vengay: wow that is a good quote
its vengay: the talent and such
HodgezMom: Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.
- John Wooden
HodgezMom: yea that one
its vengay: yes i jsut read it
its vengay: but i mean ive strayed from my religion but the one thing that alwasy stuck in my head is something my youth pastor told me
its vengay: "we dont deserve ANYTHING if you wanan know what we deserve its eternal damnation but jesus gave us the ability to have life"
its vengay: and what makes someone deserving
its vengay: what does taht word even mean
its vengay: im looking it up
HodgezMom: well there is this great christian song that says"when we dont get what we deserve"
its vengay: haha
its vengay: deserve [from the American Heritage Dictionary]: to be worthy of to merit
HodgezMom: i guess i am guilty of that deserve mentality in one part of my life, i look at kelly for example and see what a great girl she is and think she deserves to have someone cherish her
its vengay: i dont like those words either
HodgezMom: perhaps deserve isnt the right word, its like if you do the right things u should have an expectation that you will receive things....and thats not really true