Genre: Comedy/Chick Lit Who are the main characters? (L-R) Natasha, Sarah, Victoria What is the story about? Three single mothers brought together by their children's kindergarten teacher. They become the best of friends as their children grow up. We follow them as they go through falling love all over again, experiencing family tragedies, and learn how to order a cup of coffee from Starbucks. What has happened in the story before this scene began? Victoria's new boyfriend, Adam, unknowingly dropped trou in front of the three ladies. What will happen afterwards? Victoria will tell Adam, who will turn a bright red, and then they will all laugh about it. Write 100 Words of the Scene:
"Is that Adam?" Natasha asked, gesturing to the figure coming in to view near the garage.
Victoria squinted, trying to get a better look as Adam came closer to the house. "Yeah, that's him. He must have been in the garage. He said he wanted to change the oil in The Beast."
The Beast was Victoria's 1976 Toyota Corolla. It was one vehicle that had definitely seen better days.
"Is he -? Oh, Victoria!" Sarah called out, covering her mouth with one hand and pointing with the other.
"Oh, he's just gonna...oh, he is...just right there in the open..." Natasha whispered, her own hand coving her mouth.
"Oh God," Victoria said, but it was muffled because like her friends, she too had covered her mouth.
"I guess I should let him know we're out here and we can see him changing," she said behind her hand.
Who are the main characters? (L-R) Natasha, Sarah, Victoria
What is the story about? Three single mothers brought together by their children's kindergarten teacher. They become the best of friends as their children grow up. We follow them as they go through falling love all over again, experiencing family tragedies, and learn how to order a cup of coffee from Starbucks.
What has happened in the story before this scene began? Victoria's new boyfriend, Adam, unknowingly dropped trou in front of the three ladies.
What will happen afterwards? Victoria will tell Adam, who will turn a bright red, and then they will all laugh about it.
Write 100 Words of the Scene:
"Is that Adam?" Natasha asked, gesturing to the figure coming in to view near the garage.
Victoria squinted, trying to get a better look as Adam came closer to the house. "Yeah, that's him. He must have been in the garage. He said he wanted to change the oil in The Beast."
The Beast was Victoria's 1976 Toyota Corolla. It was one vehicle that had definitely seen better days.
"Is he -? Oh, Victoria!" Sarah called out, covering her mouth with one hand and pointing with the other.
"Oh, he's just gonna...oh, he is...just right there in the open..." Natasha whispered, her own hand coving her mouth.
"Oh God," Victoria said, but it was muffled because like her friends, she too had covered her mouth.
"I guess I should let him know we're out here and we can see him changing," she said behind her hand.
Her two best friends turned to her quickly. "NO!"
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