Hey gang... *waits for the echo to get back*
Anyway... Since the end of the year is right around the corner, figured it was probably time for a ModPost. :)
Everyone still like the current set-up? Want a change? Only people in orange shirts? New layout? Help on your math homework? Anything?
Some pimping:
itcouldjustbe - one of our sister comms. It could just be a fishhead stinking up the boathouse... or, it could be...
characteratplay - our other sister comm. Anything that you manage to get out of the prompts is welcome to be posted here. Your drabble from a Scene-a-Week entry; a 10 variations-set of icons from a CaD entry.. entries for the
Big Damn Prompt Table...
prompt_in_a_box - You get to pick three prompts a month, set to a common theme. If you're inspired, great! If not.. that's okay, too.
penandinkling - a community for writing letters from one fictional character to another.