Round 13 - Signups

May 07, 2015 13:59

* While we're waiting for the last participants to get their icons in, I figured we could start the signups for the next one. :)

+ Make sure you have joined the community and have read the rules before you sign up.
+ This is an FREE ROUND. You're welcome to choose any film, TV show/cartoon, music, book, anime/manga, or comic series.
+ A character will be selected, at random, from your chosen fandom. I will be using Wikipedia for main cast/character lists. If you do not like this character (for whatever reason), you may request another. One only alternate will be available per participant, per round.
+ Signups will be open for the entire round.
+ If you are not going to be able to get your icons submitted by the due date, or need to withdraw from the round for any reason, please let a mod know.
+ Extensions will be offered, as needed
+ Tentative schedule: Themes posted May 11 ; Icons due May 31

Round 13 participants:
01 - crucified - Piper Chapman (Orange is the New Black)
02 - lovesmymovement - Mike Chang (Glee)
03 - lady_turner - Floki (Vikings)
04 - delacourtings - Detective Quentin Lance (Arrow)
05 - ghanimasun - Donnie Hendrix (Orphan Black)
06 - bad_numbers - Elizabeth "Libby" Smith (Lost)
07 - starry_night - Bert and Cec (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries)
08 - mylengrave - Princess Elizaveta "Betsy" Tverskaya (Anna Karenina)
09 - upoffmyknees - Micah Sanders (Heroes)
10 - bobness1 - Shin-Ah (Akatsuki no Yona)
11 - cool_spectrum - Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin (Ouran High School Host Club)
12 - darkpalace - Jasper Jordan (The 100)
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First Choice
Second Choice
Theme Suggestions

-sign ups, round 13

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