This is a message to alert members of the community about claims being removed.:
Ashley Magnus | Ashley Magnus, Sanctuary (General) |
photoshopaddict | 2008-12-16
(REASON: Due date past and no contact)
HM Murdock | HM Murdock, A-Team (General) |
lttledvl | 2008-12-19
(REASON: Due date past and no contact)
James T Kirk | James T Kirk, Star Trek OS (Show & Movies) |
tablyn24 | 2008- 12-19
(REASON: Due date past and no contact)
The following claim is also past its due date, please contact me by next wednesday about extending it or giving it:
John Sheppard | John Sheppard, SGA S1-5 |
lenyia | 2008-12-25
I am also letting you guys know that I am dropping my claim for Will Zimmerman (sanctuary) as it is past its due date and it is not fair if I keep i longer then allowed. I may pick up a new claim for something soon.