Title: Wolf Songs
Prompt: 36 Haunt
Year: 2010
Type: Original
Characters: Xander, mentions of other
Word Count: 329
Rating: T
Summary: Have you ever wondered how a wolf thinks? Well, we don’t know about that, but here’s how I think...
Today is one of the harder days.
I would have never known it was possible to hurt this much. I feel hollow.
When I think about it, I am. I’m empty without her. I’m empty by nature. It was pure luck that I found someone who could fill the void. It was sheer stupidity that I chased her away.
But I don’t know how.
She said she loved me. She said she would help me, no matter what. She said forever. She said forever so many times...
How long is forever?
I wish I could just talk to her. Ask her why. It’s my fault, I know that. But I don’t know why. Am I really that disgusting? It has to be something else. She said no matter what.
Not a day goes by that I don’t think about what I did, that I don’t regret it. It eats away at me from the inside, like the wolf does. They’re wrong when they say it’s not really there. They don’t feel it. They don’t have to fight it.
But I can’t fight it forever. What happened at Stonebridge proves that.
I hadn’t seen her for months before it happened. They took me away from her. They emptied me out again. It’s hard to fight when I’m empty. I need her.
Was it because of how I treated her? I told her I was sorry. And I was. She didn’t deserve that. I deserve this, for what I did. But that isn’t how she looked at it, so I don’t understand why she hates me.
I haven’t seen her in over four years. Almost five. But I can still see her face. I can still hear her voice. I still love her. I would still do anything for her. But I’m trapped. I can’t leave, I can’t talk to her, I can’t ask her why. I don’t think she’ll ever leave me.
I know, at least, I’ll never leave her.