1 - Ace of Swords

Oct 12, 2013 01:41


The Ace of Swords is a symbol of possibility in the area of intelligence, reason, justice, truth, clarity and fortitude. In readings, it shows that a seed of clear understanding has been planted in your life although you may not yet recognize it. When the seed sprouts, it could take almost any form. It might be a compelling idea, desire for the truth, call to justice, or a need to be honest. On the outside, it could be an offer, gift, opportunity, encounter or synchronistic event.

The Ace of Swords announces the birth of intellectual energy, ideas, plans, vision, communication. Its presence suggests clarity of thought and mental prowess. You may be planning a new project or venture which is occupying your mind at present. Focused attention is necessary if you are to succeed. You must be clear of you intentions from the start and form a clear workable plan. The upright Sword is similar to that of the upright Wand signaling a green light, a go ahead sign. Whatever it is you are attempting, it is a good idea but it must be logical.

The Ace of Swords often represents a new attitude replacing an old one. A fresh way of looking at things can bring clarity to the situation. With this clarity you can now see both sides of the situation. You are now in a position to judge wisely. Whatever the situation is it will call on you to use your reason and approach it in a logical manner. You must think with your head now and not your heart. You may find this very easy or very difficult to do. Mental sharpness and focussed concentration is necessary. Listen to both sides of the argument before making any decision. Find out the facts first and then use your head to sort any problems out.

If you have been involved in ongoing negotiation or conflict, This Ace can signal a breakthrough as the Sword cuts through trivial issues to reach a balanced solution for both sides. The Swords Suit deals with matters of the law and legalities so the Ace may suggest the beginning of some legal issues for you. The pen is mightier than the Sword so to avoid misunderstandings, arguments or even legal action in the future make sure to get everything in writing before agreeing to anything.

In a relationship reading the Ace of Swords can suggest a new relationship offering a meeting of minds with similar attitudes and outlook. It can indicate a clear understanding of what it is one wants from a relationship. The Ace of Swords brings great communication within a relationship and a couple who love to talk. Conception may also be indicated but look to surrounding cards to verify this.

In a Career reading the Ace of Swords would indicate a new career or position, which stimulates the mind and where much communication or talking takes place. You may have a clear workable plan for a project you are working on or you may be asserting your rights in the workplace. There is a wonderful sense of high career achievement with the Ace of Swords as the Suit brings with it a strong intellect and powerful mind.

The New this Ace brings may be of legalities, contracts, letters from publishers etc. News can often be stressful and upsetting.

Sometimes this Ace stands for a challenge that will test you in some way. Life never goes smoothly for long. Sooner or later a hurdle shows up, and the Ace of Swords can tell you when one is coming. This card is also a reminder to you to face your challenge, whatever it is, with courage, honesty and a firm resolve. In every challenge, there is opportunity.

When you see the Ace of Swords, examine your life to see how its clean, sharp energy could work for you. Think about your problem objectively. Look for situations that are unjust or confusing and resolve to set them right. Above all else, commit to being honest and ethical. This card tells you that you do have the inner resources to overcome all obstacles and find the truth of your situation. That is the promise of the Ace of Swords.


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