Except in rare cases, every human grows and develops within a culture. We learn by living with others. The Hierophant represents such official learning, especially in groups. A Hierophant is someone who interprets secret knowledge. On Card 5 we see a religious figure in a formal church setting. He is wearing the elaborate vestments of his office. His task is to bring the two initiates into the church so they can take up their appointed roles.
Although he is a keeper of religious knowledge, he differs from the High Priestess. Where she is the holder of esoteric knowledge for the sake of holding - the Hierophant is the keeper of religious content for the sake of presentation. The Hierophant has an enormous responsibility because he stands as a religious icon to the people. Just as a priest or the Pope is the image of his religion, so too is the Hierophant.
The Hierophant is certainly a master of esoteric wisdom - incredibly well-versed and educated in the ways of spirit. However, he is bound by tradition, ceremony, and committed to presenting himself in a manner that is suitable to the ideals of the people to which he preaches. The Hierophant is the leader of religious order - he guides the masses in instruction and serves as a liasion between man and God.
As such, he wields great power and is ever in-check not to abuse this power. He is consistently conscious of his responsibility to the people, and his mission to present the word of God in an honest, true, accurate manner to the people. He knows he must not mislead the people, for to do so would mislead himself, and all he has learned of God.
When we pull the Hierophant Tarot card, our attention is focused on our convictions. The occurrence of this card is a message for us to examine our belief systems, how we operate with these beliefs, and how they effect our lives.
Besides churches, there are schools, clubs, teams, companies, and societies. The Hierophant represents all of these because his realm is structured groups with rules and assigned roles. Such environments emphasize belief systems - facts, rules, procedures, and ritual. Members are rewarded for following conventions. They develop a group identity. The Hierophant is one of three cards that focuses on the group. (The 3 of Cups and the 3 of Pentacles are the others.)
In readings, the Hierophant often represents learning with experts or knowledgeable teachers. This card also stands for institutions and their values. The Hierophant is a symbol of the need to conform to rules or fixed situations. His appearance in a reading can show that you are struggling with a force that is not innovative, free-spirited or individual. Groups can be enriching or stifling, depending on circumstances. Sometimes we need to follow a program or embrace tradition, other times, we need to trust ourselves.