II - High Prietess

Oct 02, 2013 23:04


Foremost, she conveys a message of understanding. Even her posture indicates she is established in a position of knowledge. Her scroll holds esoteric knowledge. She determines the manner in which the knowledge should be expressed, and only she decides to whom, and how much knowledge is extolled.

Much like the Magician, the High Priestess is unquestioning of her knowledge and power. There is no question of source or validity - her knowledge simply "is." She is aware of the motions of nature, the movement of spiritual matters, and she has acute awareness of the stirrings of the mind. She is vitally tapped into the flow of ancient knowledge. She instinctively understands the inner workings and connections between nature, philosophy, science and religion.

In readings, the High Priestess poses a challenge to you to go deeper - to look beyond the obvious, surface situation to what is hidden and obscure. She also asks you to recall the vastness of your potential and to remember the unlimited possibilities you hold within yourself. The High Priestess can represent a time of waiting and allowing. It is not always necessary to act to achieve your goals. Sometimes they can be realized through a stillness that gives desire a chance to flower within the fullness of time

When we pull the High Priestess card for ourselves or for a querent, it is an indication that we are in communication with the unseen forces. We must realize these unseen forces are greater than ourselves, and our ability to access this energy is a great responsibility. We must understand that we are all psychic, just as the Priestess. However, only those who respect the gift of psychic awareness and utilize the gifts and the knowledge beneficially that acquire the noble presence and demeanor of the Priestess.

As you may have guessed, the Priestess Tarot card meanings are not straight-forward. As she is somewhat of a mystery herself, she requires all those who come to her to be worthy of her meaning, and earn the honor of understanding her. Trust that when you pull the High Priestess card there are undercurrents working within you that will blossom into intense and beautiful experiences. All that is requested of you to experience this blossoming is an awareness of and respect for the higher forces at work in the universe and within you.


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