Jan 25, 2005 10:42
The Coldest Day of the Year Party occurred--and was hectic--and didn't go exactly as planned--so what else is new?
It was pretty busy around here that day but I'm glad we did it. I see some areas that could be better planned or at least carried out a bit differently for next time. Example: I had originally intended to have "Coldest Day of the Year" logos, with perhaps the corresponding Japanese symbols as well, already printed on sheets of paper for the kids to simply illustrate (a snowman, an ice skater, a winter scene, etc.) but at the last moment decided to let them draw whatever they wanted. WELL! I got several monster and dragon scenes, "Britney Speers is my Idil," and "I'm Perfect--Your Not," just to name a few...the last-mentioned being the cause of significant amounts of stress (not to mention righteous indignation) among the other guests. We decided afterward that it might work better to have little friends over separately and individually in future, as several rival nations were represented in the mix, which led inevitably (I guess) to minor skirmishes if not outright warfare. (The "nations" consisted of school friends, Irish dancing classmates and former day-care clients.) Well anyway, it was worth it--at least I thought so.
Have finished The Truth and Soul Music. Starting on Interesting Times. Men at Arms is next on the agenda (it's waiting under my computer table--it looked the most interesting, so I'm saving it for the last of the three I got from the library last week.) Would like to get Guards! Guards! but it wasn't in. Apparently I am not the only Pratchett fan in FSJ. Rose recommends Moving Pictures. Ever since I put up my web start-up page again, with a Pratchett reference on it from Night Watch, the ads that show up along the top edge always are for Pratchett stuff.