May 25, 2006 16:59
thursday - english
no more english. yayyyy but i know no one wants to hear about that.
before the exam katie, emly, melanie, and i (plus we met up with raus) went to the mall for lunch. i really wanted a cookie and it turned out to be the best decision ever. while i was getting a cookie raus went into the portrait place across the way to get a balloon. turns out that u can get a free portrait just to try them out. so we all get a potrait including emily sitting in a moon and david laying in the middle of 4 girls (they like forced him to lay down even though he wanted to kneel .. it was a little odd).
okay but the best thing is when we came out of the potrait studio i saw SARAH HIBBITS!!!! HIBBS!!! yesss the one and only HIBBS. it was soo amazing even though i talked for her for 20 seconds. she is so sweet to give a hug to especially if u havent seen her in a while. and she was there getting a cookie by herself. i'm sure her mom was in the mall somewhere but she was alone then and wasnt scared to talk to me which made me really really happy. sunnyside with hibbs is going to be da bomb.