Jun 24, 2008 21:21
done with schooL and it feeLs quite nice. my Last quarter grades are as foLLows:
4710: B+
4700: A-
4600: B+
4500: incompLete but wiLL be an A (haha)
too bad i heLLa buLLshitted my 4500 paper. i knew i was gonna regret it Later. but i have a year to work on the revisions so im not trippin off that.
i never knew working fuLL time wouLd get me this tired. my body is starting to hate me but atLeast im getting a good workout everyday. and the money isnt Looking too bad either.
i havent feLt this way in a Long time. i think i have seperation anxiety. damn you.
i think i'LL be in sd for the juLy 4th weekend. you know what that means. shoppiiinnggg!!
its my bedtime. heLLa earLy, i know. goodnight foLks.