Nov 18, 2007 13:49
thursday night: aLL bad...
friday night: chiLL.
Last night: the reaL desperate housewifes of the OC, gossip girL and such. accident on 92. stomachs on empty but thats better right? dtsj. Look out for biLLy. hand job for andoodoo. free drinks for me. copped in the bathroom. ymca? i'LL chiLL in the booth then! thick ass fog after. and that confirms our thoery. Large #10 pLease. theres no parking, jk. big ass bottLe of barcari goLd-- throw that shit out. you kiLL the henn, cuz your kiLLin me. Lets watch infomerciaLs.. or fresh prince.. or just turn off the tv and pLay john Legend. does this song make you sad? =) and goodevening.
today: you dont wanna get me mad. pLease beLieve it.
damn passenger side. my brake Light went out. somebody heLp me? ;)
2 term papers due in 2 weeks. i think its time to start those now...
1 . Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
dont pLan to be.. but you never know..
2.What color are your eyes?
dark brown
3. What does your second text say?
"yes dinner and bar" -martin
4. Do you smoke cigarettes?
rareLy wiLL you see me smoking a stoge
5. Do you smoke weed?
on occasion
6. Do you lead people on?
not even..
7. Are you married?
no sir
8. Have you ever told someone you loved them and meant it?
thats the onLy reason why i wouLd
9. Do you like sea food?
i probabLy wouLd if i wasnt aLLergic to it. haha =X
10. Is there anyone that doesn't like you because of something you didn't even do?
i dont even know.. hopefuLLy not
11. Do you miss someone?
12. Do you think they miss you too?
i think not
13. Will you ever speak to them again?
15. When is the last time you laughed?
a few hours ago when gabby was crankin that souLja boy, but the beat was 10x faster. hahah
18. What are you wearing right now?
sweats and a dickes beater
19. Are you mad at anyone right now?
not at the moment
20. How long is your hair?
Like 3 inches past the bra Line?i wanna get it cut soon..
21. As of today, do you like anyone?
not reaLLy
22. Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past 24 hours?
yes sirr
23. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
i bet i have. those were the days! ..sike.
25. Do you like your first name?
yess. someone toLd me Last night that she aLways Liked the name 'charizze' lol
27. Do you like to cuddle?
oh fasho
28. What are your initials?
29. Are you funny?
if you want me to be
30. Baseball or Football?
neither? but id rather watch footbaLL
31. Ever been skinny dipping?
na uh
32.What is (are) your favorite color(s)?
purpLe? haha
33. What is your biggest fear?
Loosing someone you Love..
34. What's one thing you've learned this year?
some things wiLL never change no matter how much you want it/work for it.
35. Do you get along with your parents?
yes i do
37. Favorite smell?
new car smeLL
38. Last person you laughed at?
39. Last time you went to the beach?
i dont even remember..
40. Last person you called?
41. Last person to tell you they love you?
42. Do you love this person too?
43. Last thing you ate?
rice and torta!
44. Last person to pick you up?
nobody? i drive my own ass everywhere..
45. Last person you cried over?
you aLready know
46. Do you cry easily?
ehh. when it comes to certain things.. then yea
47. Can you trust people easily?
48. Last person you hung out with?
he who shaLL remain nameLess